global warming

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So it's not actually a principle or maxim you believe in, "your business, your rules"?
how do you get that?

it’s not legal to discriminate based on gender, race, etc.

it is legal to discriminate based on vax yes/no

it’s not my rule. i’m just okay with it.
how do you get that?

it’s not legal to discriminate based on gender, race, etc.

it is legal to discriminate based on vax yes/no

it’s not my rule. i’m just okay with it.
Well, then, it cannot logically be a maxim you believe in, because you abandon even mental support of it, or the thought of it, if ordered so by government.
Well, then, it cannot be a maxim you believe in.
eh i’m not interested in playing logical fallacy games today.

no such law exists protecting the vax status. ergo business can set their own policies on that. it’s legal to discriminate based on vax status under current laws.

businesses can’t ah, make murder legal in their store because we already have laws against murder.

also “what i believe in” is irrelevant. it is a fact that business CAN legally bar entry if you’re not masked, concert venues can bar entry if you’re not vaxed. etc and so on.
eh i’m not interested in playing logical fallacy games today.
I thought you were, since in my mind that is precisely what you've been delighting just now in discovery and learning about! You know, about consistency of beliefs and principals in play. For example, you were inquisitive about consistency of thought in people who want to believe in and want to take protection by eating horse paste, but reject taking protection by authorised free vaxx.
I havnt figured out how to multiquote so I will do my best

I would not advocate for anyone to take the shot. Why? It was rushed. To many side affect if nothing else. Europe has 1200 dead and over 1.1 MILLION people with adverse side affects.
Why take a shot when they have methods of treatment that are working but are being shut down by big tech and GOvt?
Hippa is still Hippa.. You can say its not protected but that is still not true..
Someone sent this to me in a text and I think you will get the point


-Hi, table for two, please.
-Sure, and your name?
-Great. And do you and your guest have your Vaccination Cards?
-Hmmm well first . . Can you tell us who our server will be?
-Um, looks like Brad will be your server tonight.
-Great. Can you show us Brad's Vaccination Card?
-And also, can you provide me with proof that Brad is not a carrier of HIV, Hepatitis A or B, or any other communicable diseases? Same for you and the kitchen staff.
-Um . . .
-Also, we would prefer not to be served by someone who is on or uses recreational drugs such as marijuana, cocaine, meth, fentanyl, etc, so if you could provide us with Brad's most recent tox screen, that would be great. As a matter of fact, I'm going to need to see all of your employees' medical history.
-Um . . . Let me get the Manager for you.
-That would be great, thanks. Make sure they have their Vax Card and medical records please.

I would not Deny anyone from our business.. I do not mix politics with my customers. I will gladly take a dollar from any vaxxed or unvaxxed or anyone with Cancer and so on.

Where do you Draw the line? Blonde and Blue eyes?

Would you take the vaccine if they had treatment that is safer? Would you deny someone the Right to die? Under there own circumstances like Dr kavorkian (sp).

Some questions are moral.

Denying entry to someone that is handicap and cant wear a mask is illegal... But how would you know.. They always have an exemption for medical.. Always. ADA laws probid anyone from discrimination by handicap.. Its illegal... You do not have to provide anything health wise to anyone as privacy is protected.. I have an exemption for masks and denying me entry on a mask issue is like denying me because im in a wheel chair.
it’s still weird that the same people who don’t trust the vax, trust the drug therapies used to treat covid disease.

like it’s better to get it and treat it than not get it at all.

funny logic.

This above.

And tomjasz too. He likes this stuff, so do I. But a no-go. Yes, minds are are fun ny. And just previous you had another enquiry on the subject that you and tom and I I guess that's where I got the idea from and then further back that is what you were pursuing, and so, I guess my mistake.

you again:
there‘s zero critical thinking in that scenario, the use of “science as my source” is really just a misdirection to wrap your belief in the appearance of objective fact. why you believe something is more important than what. but all everyone does is post cut and pastes or recitations of the what. it’s hilarious.

You again, abridged:
if you believe that any of the hot topic cocktails you read about wherever are effective, then why don’t you think that the vax works?

some people are so assertive in their beliefs, there is no possibility of changing their mind. they won’t accept any alternative explanations, no evidence will pass muster, with any volley they will hit back with an explanation or excuse ss to why the alternate theory is not acceptable.

they simply believe what they believe.

aka. faith.

You again
so many outing themselves on an ebike forum


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my point was not what you believe but why you believe it.

i guess from the various responses i can piece together the answer from a few if you.

i was merely trying to take this away from a red/blue political 💩 and towards something that was a bit more about how we form our opinions instead of what they are.

how is far more interesting to me. to understand how others think and how they develop an argument and how they present that argument and if part of presenting it is demonizing opposing views.

but i guess you could say i already has a good idea on the answers to all those questions and my posts were therefore somewhat rhetorical.
I havnt figured out how to multiquote so I will do my best

I would not advocate for anyone to take the shot. Why? It was rushed. To many side affect if nothing else. Europe has 1200 dead and over 1.1 MILLION people with adverse side affects.
Why take a shot when they have methods of treatment that are working but are being shut down by big tech and GOvt?
Hippa is still Hippa.. You can say its not protected but that is still not true..
Someone sent this to me in a text and I think you will get the point


-Hi, table for two, please.
-Sure, and your name?
-Great. And do you and your guest have your Vaccination Cards?
-Hmmm well first . . Can you tell us who our server will be?
-Um, looks like Brad will be your server tonight.
-Great. Can you show us Brad's Vaccination Card?
-And also, can you provide me with proof that Brad is not a carrier of HIV, Hepatitis A or B, or any other communicable diseases? Same for you and the kitchen staff.
-Um . . .
-Also, we would prefer not to be served by someone who is on or uses recreational drugs such as marijuana, cocaine, meth, fentanyl, etc, so if you could provide us with Brad's most recent tox screen, that would be great. As a matter of fact, I'm going to need to see all of your employees' medical history.
-Um . . . Let me get the Manager for you.
-That would be great, thanks. Make sure they have their Vax Card and medical records please.

I would not Deny anyone from our business.. I do not mix politics with my customers. I will gladly take a dollar from any vaxxed or unvaxxed or anyone with Cancer and so on.

Where do you Draw the line? Blonde and Blue eyes?

Would you take the vaccine if they had treatment that is safer? Would you deny someone the Right to die? Under there own circumstances like Dr kavorkian (sp).

Some questions are moral.

Denying entry to someone that is handicap and cant wear a mask is illegal... But how would you know.. They always have an exemption for medical.. Always. ADA laws probid anyone from discrimination by handicap.. Its illegal... You do not have to provide anything health wise to anyone as privacy is protected.. I have an exemption for masks and denying me entry on a mask issue is like denying me because im in a wheel chair.
has this theory been upheld by case law re: masks and/or vax status, HIPPA and protection from discrimination?

i am not aware of any viruses where catching it and going through the treatment is better than getting vaccinated for that virus. maybe there are some i’m not aware of? i’m personally not keen on contracting any viruses and then dealing with it. is it better to get cancer snd then take advantage of our best medical tech or to not get cancer in the first place (logical fallacy alert 🤣)

viruses can be especially hard to treat because it’s hard to kill the virus without damaging other things. there are viruses for which there is no treatment because of this.

I’ll try a different line of questioning/discussion.

is personal resistance to the vax really because “it was rushed”? how was that conclusion arrived at?

is personal resistance to the vax because the perception of risk from contracting covid is low? what would the infection rate or mortality rate need to be for you to conclude a vax is less risky than getting sick and dying in a hospital bed?

is personal resistance tied to community or social constructs? “my peeps won’t get it so neither will i”

do you know anyone who died from covid or covid complications and would you want them in hindsight to get the vax and have a chance at a better outcome?

or are there other influences or trigger events which are causing a fairly large segment of the population opt out without much of a rational defense than “i don’t want to, i don’t believe, it’s been rushed, etc!”

has anyone uninvited family to a gathering, wedding, to see the baby, etc because of their no-vax status? are those instances something to make you consider getting the vax? (empathy, concern for others) or dig your heels in an isolated from family and friends (stubborn)
my point was not what you believe but why you believe it.

i guess from the various responses i can piece together the answer from a few if you.

i was merely trying to take this away from a red/blue political 💩 and towards something that was a bit more about how we form our opinions instead of what they are.

how is far more interesting to me. to understand how others think and how they develop an argument and how they present that argument and if part of presenting it is demonizing opposing views.

but i guess you could say i already has a good idea on the answers to all those questions and my posts were therefore somewhat rhetorical.
Yes, why one thinks what one thinks, that can be a fascinating subject.
their business their rules.
The thought enquiry for me is whether or not it's about holding to principles or abandoning them when government gives it the "OK" to go ahead. If segregation for race is said to be OK by gov, is it still "their business their rules"? No?
If the principle "their business their rules" is abandoned BECAUSE a government ruling is made, though, it's not a principle one believed in. The supposed principle was a rhetorical tool for justification of a policy one agrees with.

Imagine the the reverse situation.

Imagine holding to principles
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Yes, why one thinks what one thinks, that can be a fascinating subject.

The thought enquiry for me is whether or not it's about holding to principles or abandoning them when government gives it the "OK" to go ahead. If segregation for race is said to be OK by gov, is it still "their business their rules"? No?
If the principle "their business their rules" is abandoned BECAUSE a government ruling is made, though, it's not a principle one believed in. The supposed principle was a rhetorical tool for justification of a policy one agrees with.

Imagine the the reverse situation.

Imagine holding to principles
eh, who’s principles? yours? someone else’s? 😂
has this theory been upheld by case law re: masks and/or vax status, HIPPA and protection from discrimination? Some handicaps are not able to be seen from the outside of the body. Some are from the inside so who is to say he or she isnt handicap by looking at them? Who is the judge of that? I had to school the manager on a mask mandate she thought was for everyone when there is a clear carve out for Medical exemptions which I have but legally do not have to produce (HIPPA). My lawyer is handling them as we speak.. An apology is in order as she berated me in front of other customers

i am not aware of any viruses where catching it and going through the treatment is better than getting vaccinated for that virus. maybe there are some i’m not aware of? i’m personally not keen on contracting any viruses and then dealing with it. is it better to get cancer snd then take advantage of our best medical tech or to not get cancer in the first place (logical fallacy alert 🤣) You are assuming you need to catch it, Ivermectin has shown to be used and works as a prophylactic ...Cancer.. How do you stop from the body creating it as its a mutation and sometimes there is no warning .. Son inlaw was stage 4 and only into his Cancer about 2 months.. Explain that? From nothing to stage 4 Cancer in 2 months? Preventable when no one in the family had it? Oh ok.

viruses can be especially hard to treat because it’s hard to kill the virus without damaging other things. there are viruses for which there is no treatment because of this. I agree but this is not one of them

I’ll try a different line of questioning/discussion.

is personal resistance to the vax because the perception of risk from contracting covid is low? what would the infection rate or mortality rate need to be for you to conclude a vax is less risky than getting sick and dying in a hospital bed? You should look the stats of the vaccinated and the Crossover of the delta as I believe the number is around 60% of all patients are vaccinated and the death toll is rising on the vaxxed not the unvaxxed. Why dont you take a few min to research the death rate on some vaccines( some had 3 or 4 people die and they stopped and went back to trials or whatever... they halted it).

is personal resistance tied to community or social constructs? “my peeps won’t get it so neither will i” That might be some thinking many are not talking about natural immunity ..Does it work or not? Is the question?

do you know anyone who died from covid or covid complications and would you want them in hindsight to get the vax and have a chance at a better outcome? Yes I have some friends that have passed from it but each of them had Cancer/ Overweight/ Diabetes or heart disease and on that note if they want to take it then I would want them to see the reports of issues and be informed if they then decide to get the shot I am good with that... My sister died from complications from the vaccine just a month and a half ago so I am familiar..None were healthy.

or are there other influences or trigger events which are causing a fairly large segment of the population opt out without much of a rational defense than “i don’t want to, i don’t believe, it’s been rushed, etc!” Some its a moral/ Personal decision and who am I to question it? or you?

has anyone uninvited family to a gathering, wedding, to see the baby, etc because of their no-vax status? are those instances something to make you consider getting the vax? (empathy, concern for others) or dig your heels in an isolated from family and friends (stubborn) ..Nope and they are all welcome to come over.. I hae been exposed on several occasions .. I have 65 employees and I am next to them almost every day ..
Being exposed and feeling I have had it ( tired and brain fog for about 4 days was as bad as it got and when my father inlaw had it I went over with my wife to check on him and bring him food as he was stuck in bed for 4 days but the whole process was about 10 days or so but the cough was a little longer.. He has heart issues and other things that would make him a case number but he survived

So back to my Original question ... Knowing the death rate from this Gene therapy... and seeing the Complications that come with the shot and lets say by chance everything I have said was true without a doubt (work with me).. WOuld you get it? would you take your grandkid down and have them take it? If I am remotely close on the death and complications. WOuld you put your health on the line with a Virus that has a 99.9 percent recovery rate for most and worst case its a 99.5% recovery.. would you run down and get a shot that is being used on an emergency usact with no way to sue anyone if you have any issue? they are protected fully.

Previously, the mumps vaccine was the quickest to have ever been developed, according to National Geographic. And that took four years, from collecting viral samples to licensing the drug in 1967. For what it’s worth, it was originally estimated that it might take 12-18 months to create a coronavirus vaccine, though it was closer to about nine months.

Yes this vaccine was rushed.. How can you trust a company that lost all the trial data.... All of the test animals died they tried this on... every one of the ferrets died.. No survivers.. so they stopped and moved on to other animls like mice. Did you know that 16% of the mice lost reproduction? One of the highest and fastest reproducing animals on the planet (more or less).

Check this out.. Already posted this above in another post but worth repeating.. pay attention to the year and what they were tracking

Medical Test kits (382200) exports by country​

in 2017
Additional Product information: Diagnostic reagents based on polymerase chain reaction (PCR) nucleic acid test.
Category: Medical Test kits/ Instruments, apparatus used in Diagnostic Testing
The data here track previously existing medical devices that are now classified by the World Customs Organization as critical to tackling COVID-19

I would never give my child a vaccine that is still being tested unless it was a real high mortality rate of disease we was dealing with.

Less than a third of delta variant deaths are in the unvaccinated.

Let me say that another way - two-thirds of Delta deaths in the UK are in the jabbed.

To be specific:

From the 1st of February to the 2nd of August, the UK recorded 742 Delta deaths (yes, the dreaded Delta has not taken that much life).

Out of the 742 deaths, 402 were fully vaccinated. 79 had received one shot. Only 253 were unvaccinated.

Turns out I got Covid. We immediately threw the kitchen sink at it. All kinds of adds — monoclonal antibodies, Ivermectin, Z-Pac, Pregnazone, everything, and I also got an NAD drip and a vitamin drip and I did that three days in a row and so here we are on Wednesday and I feel great. I only had one bad day. Sunday sucked. But, monday was better. Tuesday felt better than Monday. And today, I feel good.” (havnt vetted this one yet but)

Despite Years of Study, mRNA Vaccines Lacked Trial on Large Scale​ them working the numbers banned for speaking the truth

Ok so the last question for tonight... If by chance they say the virus is as bad as they say and lets assume for a min that they are correct.... Its killing everyone.. healthy and all.. ok just play along... Why are they not closing the border and making any of the illegals take the test and get the JAB? Or wear a mask? they have shipped them all over the country and right after and during this happening? Guess what? we had a break out of Covid cases.. Wow..

Truth and again Forced treatments that dont work..
I have al sorts of Data.. But one would need to read it.. Comes in colors..
And Pictures ..63 studies.. maybe not enough paste? Not sure. But has a list of who what why and when.. All the basic questions I usually ask.

in other news….

RETRACTION: "Meta-analysis of randomized trials of ivermectin to treat SARS-CoV-2 infection"

**We wish to inform the** [r/science]( **community of an article submitted to the subreddit that has since been retracted by the journal at the request of the authors. While it did not gain much attention on** [r/science](**, it saw significant exposure elsewhere on Reddit and across other social media platforms. Per** [**our rules**](**, the flair on this submission has been updated with "RETRACTED" and a stickied comment has been made providing details about the retractions. The submission has also been added to our** [**wiki of retracted submissions**](**.**


Reddit Submission: [Meta-analysis of randomized trials of ivermectin to treat SARS-CoV-2 infection | Open Forum Infectious Diseases](

The article [Meta-analysis of randomized trials of ivermectin to treat SARS-CoV-2 infection]( has [been retracted]( from *Open Forum Infectious Diseases* as of August 9, 2021. Serious concerns about the underlying data were raised after a prominent preprint used in the analysis [was retracted for fabricating results]( The journal indicates that the authors will be submitting a revision excluding this data. However, the first author [has already clarified]( that removing the fraudulent data from the analysis no longer results in a statistically significant survival benefit for ivermectin. It remains unclear when or if the revised study will be published and how the journal will handle a retraction without revision.

* Retraction Watch: [Ivermectin meta-analysis to be retracted, revised, say authors](
i mean, 🤣🤣🤣🤣, i rarely would do a big cut and paste like thst, but it was a unique situation where the evidence thst refuted the argument of another was the withdrawl of said evidence by its author as fraudulent. it’s kismet.

The more things change……
This was far different from the treatment San Francisco’s leaders received when they didn’t comply. At a boxing match, a police photographer captured images of several supervisors, a congressman, a justice, a Navy rear-admiral, the city’s health officer and even the mayor, all without masks. The health officer paid a $5 fine and the mayor later paid a $50 fine, but unlike other “mask slackers,” they received no prison time (not to mention no one shot at them).

The more they stay the same.
in other news….

RETRACTION: "Meta-analysis of randomized trials of ivermectin to treat SARS-CoV-2 infection"

**We wish to inform the** [r/science]( **community of an article submitted to the subreddit that has since been retracted by the journal at the request of the authors. While it did not gain much attention on** [r/science](**, it saw significant exposure elsewhere on Reddit and across other social media platforms. Per** [**our rules**](**, the flair on this submission has been updated with "RETRACTED" and a stickied comment has been made providing details about the retractions. The submission has also been added to our** [**wiki of retracted submissions**](**.**


Reddit Submission: [Meta-analysis of randomized trials of ivermectin to treat SARS-CoV-2 infection | Open Forum Infectious Diseases](

The article [Meta-analysis of randomized trials of ivermectin to treat SARS-CoV-2 infection]( has [been retracted]( from *Open Forum Infectious Diseases* as of August 9, 2021. Serious concerns about the underlying data were raised after a prominent preprint used in the analysis [was retracted for fabricating results]( The journal indicates that the authors will be submitting a revision excluding this data. However, the first author [has already clarified]( that removing the fraudulent data from the analysis no longer results in a statistically significant survival benefit for ivermectin. It remains unclear when or if the revised study will be published and how the journal will handle a retraction without revision.

* Retraction Watch: [Ivermectin meta-analysis to be retracted, revised, say authors](
I copied and pasted off the same link just I read it a little lower than the title

10 thoughts on “Ivermectin meta-analysis to be retracted, revised, say authors”​

  1. f03e383917dd8d7418e758da272337b9
    August 11, 2021 at 3:48 am
    The original study that had “fraudulent data” actually was criticized incorrectly. The activists that attacked it did so based on “original data” not the actual data used in the study. Raw “original” data often has issues in formatting and duplicates that must be corrected before it can be used. Everything after that idiotic accusation is political.
Still the same question though as maybe I missed the answer


Sorry for the caps.. Asked it several times and no one has answered it yet. I am still wondering..

Everyone wants to play devils advocate but what would you think if this vaccine is all a ruse? Not to say its real but lets just say they pay money for each treatment and each stage of treatment up to being put on a Ventilator for $30k..

THey had pay schedules for Covid that the govt was giving spiffs to the hospitals for each scenario of covid treatment.

WHen My Mother inlaw died last June from Cancer, My father inlaw was offered $5k to sign a paper stating she had covid and they would mail him a check... He is a full blooded italian and blew up on the nurse... She did not have it and dont you write it down (his works but a little more colorful). She said srry I have to ask everyone.
Still the same question though as maybe I missed the answer


Sorry for the caps.. Asked it several times and no one has answered it yet. I am still wondering..
yes, i would take the vaccine over contracting covid and taking my chances with cardiac/pulmonary therapies.
WHen My Mother inlaw died last June from Cancer, My father inlaw was offered $5k to sign a paper stating she had covid and they would mail him a check... He is a full blooded italian and blew up on the nurse... She did not have it and dont you write it down (his works but a little more colorful). She said srry I have to ask everyone.
$5k offered by who? i don’t believe this statement because i don’t know you and can’t veg the veracity of these unusual remarks.
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