GIANT RideControl App 2.0

This is what I get on my 2020 Revolt:

As an aside, my one wish with the tuning is that basic could be set to 100% assist. I'd love to just push every assist level down one (I never use the top two, and that would give me the same assist options with a new lower one that I could use to save battery or when riding with friends). I find 125 a bit much for general riding.
As an aside, my one wish with the tuning is that basic could be set to 100% assist. I'd love to just push every assist level down one (I never use the top two, and that would give me the same assist options with a new lower one that I could use to save battery or when riding with friends). I find 125 a bit much for general riding.
My Trance E+ Pro allows up to 360%. I set the ECO to 100 (only reducing it on group rides with the "acoustics"), 125 Basic for general riding, 175 Active, 200 Sport but 360 Power for emergency boost.
My Trance E+ Pro allows up to 360%. I set the ECO to 100 (only reducing it on group rides with the "acoustics"), 125 Basic for general riding, 175 Active, 200 Sport but 360 Power for emergency boost.
My ideal would be:
Eco: 50% (save battery, ride with friends on non-e bikes)
Basic: 100% (general riding by myself)
Active: 175%
Sport: 250%
Power: 360% (I guess may as well leave it the same)

Its a bit strange that every level can be set to the number of the one below it except Basic, whose lowest setting is still above the highest of Eco. Oh well. Not really a big deal, I leave it in the default settings most of the time and just bump Eco and Basic down to their lowest when I ride with friends. I don't think I've used Sport or Power in the year since I bought it aside from testing them in the parking lot. Although my wife rides the bike a fair bit and she might.

EDIT: Although I'd likely be singing a different tune if it were an E-MTB. I do use higher settings on my YT Decoy occasionally on steep climbs or places I need a kick of power (accellerating uphill towards an obstacle or whatnot).
We are lucky Jabber we can tune the assist levels in our Giant e-bikes. So many brands offer fixed assist levels only... What I value in Giant motors e-bikes is in fact the hardware.
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I paid less than US$4800 for my Trance E+ 2 Pro. An e-MTB with these specs and motor of another brand would cost much more... I can bet your YT Decoy must have been far more expensive.
I paid less than US$4800 for my Trance E+ 2 Pro. An e-MTB with these specs and motor of another brand would cost much more... I can bet your YT Decoy must have been far more expensive.

My Decoy Pro was $6k, but in fairness its a full carbon frame and a bit higher part spec. All things being equal, I'd prefer the Yamaha motor on the Giants (though I much prefer the stealthy look of the e7000 display on the YT to the pointlessly gigantic evo display on my Giant). The Decoy is a very different bike than the Trance though; its more directly comparable to the Reign.
I’ve seen it reported that some users are only seeing 350 as the maximum assist tune for turbo mode, not 360. Maybe model related ? (Explore ?)
That I believe is for the sync pro motor. I read the Manuel and indeed the smart assist tops out at 350. I am not sure why they designed it this way. 🚴‍♀️
How come you Liv is technically the same e-bike as my Giant and yours allows 350, and mine 360%?!
How come you Liv is technically the same e-bike as my Giant and yours allows 350, and mine 360%?!
Can you achieve 360% in ‘Smart Assist’? The Manuel says it won’t go there but I can manually program my bike to reach 360% as long as I am not in ‘Smart Assist‘. I usually ride without ’Smart Assist’. Stefan, I think we do indeed have the same motor. 😁🚴‍♀️
Can you achieve 360% in ‘Smart Assist’? The Manuel says it won’t go there but I can manually program my bike to reach 360% as long as I am not in ‘Smart Assist‘. I usually ride without ’Smart Assist’. Stefan, I think we do indeed have the same motor. 😁🚴‍♀️
Stefan, perhaps I am mistaken... I am looking into where I read this,😬🚴‍♀️
Seems to make me ride on pedals for the last 10 km in torrential rain off-road :)
PS... mystery solved. I was watching a YouTube video on the power assist on a Giant Trance Pro and the narrator states the max smart assist is 350%. He was clearly mistaken. I apologize for the error. Big winds today, Smart Assist made them ‘disappear’. 😁🚴‍♀️. PSA...3 day power outage made for a cranky me...cold at night... but fortunately, I had two fully charged bikes to fix my frozen frown!🤣
I was thinking about you @Anna (and of Smart Assist) when I rode my Trance against massive headwind yesterday. Smart Assist was making my ride jerky. I had to use three high modes (Active, Sport, and Power) for the ride. I think the mistake Giant made for the AUTO is the fact it is just alternating different assist modes: It should continuously adjust the assistance 0-360% instead... :)

3 day power outage made for a cranky me...cold at night... but fortunately, I had two fully charged bikes to fix my frozen frown!🤣
I had only 4 hour power outage but my thoughts were exactly the same: two charged e-bikes, and two batteries for each! :D