Garmin Power Readout on Creo


My Garmin detects a power meter on my new Creo and shows me watts, but I am not sure how to interpret the readout. Is it my effort? Me and the bike combined? Just the bike? Confused. I can't calibrate it either; when I turn everything on I get the usual message "do I want to calibrate the power meter" but it always ends up with a "calibration failed" message. Anyone have any insight into this?
I know this is an old thread, but the title matches my question. I finally took delivery of my long awaited Creo alloy model last week. Too much snow to ride outside just now but wanted to set things up so I'm ready.

I use a Garmin 530 and it readily picked up the Creo as a sensor, however I can't figure out how to get the rider power and cadence to show. From other posts it appears as if those are readily picked up. I have fake channel on the Mission Control app disabled. I can get speed to show on the display but cadence and power do not appear. Am I missing something simple?
I know this is an old thread, but the title matches my question. I finally took delivery of my long awaited Creo alloy model last week. Too much snow to ride outside just now but wanted to set things up so I'm ready.

I use a Garmin 530 and it readily picked up the Creo as a sensor, however I can't figure out how to get the rider power and cadence to show. From other posts it appears as if those are readily picked up. I have fake channel on the Mission Control app disabled. I can get speed to show on the display but cadence and power do not appear. Am I missing something simple?
Edit your pages to include that data.