Garmin 130 plus with Vado SL


Active Member
I have seen using a garmin 130 plus with Vado mentioned in other threads but I don’t see detailed answers. Does anyone use their Garmin 130 plus with their Vado SL (or Creo), and will it display or save in the Garmin app pertinent ebike info? I would like to display cadence on the Garmin and then see power statistics and battery info when I look at the app after a ride. I don’t find the 130 Plus very user friendly to set up.

I have also seen Blevo mentioned but in the IOS App Store it says not all functions are available for IOS. If the Garmin app is capable of collecting battery, power, cadence and other Vado SL info, I will stick with that. What else are you using??
I start using my Garmin Edge Explore to display the cadence from my Vado SL. Not sure if the other parameters are accessible as well. There is something called „multifield ebike field“ that you can download from the IQ Connect Store which might display more ebike parameters.
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I have seen using a garmin 130 plus with Vado mentioned in other threads but I don’t see detailed answers. Does anyone use their Garmin 130 plus with their Vado SL (or Creo), and will it display or save in the Garmin app pertinent ebike info? I would like to display cadence on the Garmin and then see power statistics and battery info when I look at the app after a ride. I don’t find the 130 Plus very user friendly to set up.

I have also seen Blevo mentioned but in the IOS App Store it says not all functions are available for IOS. If the Garmin app is capable of collecting battery, power, cadence and other Vado SL info, I will stick with that. What else are you using??
I have used an edge 130 and edge explore. Both work to show cadence. The Edge Explore does not support the power sensor so I do use Blevo when I want the power display/ride info. The edge 130 will save both cadence and power data into garmin connect to show graphs over time/distance as well as some other statistics. The Explore will only do cadence.
I have used an edge 130 and edge explore. Both work to show cadence. The Edge Explore does not support the power sensor so I do use Blevo when I want the power display/ride info. The edge 130 will save both cadence and power data into garmin connect to show graphs over time/distance as well as some other statistics. The Explore will only do cadence.
What about the "Ebike Field" Garmin app?
What about the "Ebike Field" Garmin app?
I have Ebike field on the 130. It was handy for automatically saving battery and assist level data to garmin connect. It was handy to guesstimate how much battery was used for my rides when I first got the SL. However Blevo does a better job so I just use Blevo data now. Additonally, Ebike field did not support the range extender.