Four Pin LCD Display


I purchased an AW 24" conversion kit for my neighbor, but the LCD display connector on the controller is four pins. I contacted AW and they said I would have to get a third party Display as they do not carry any. When I look on sites all I can find are five pin displays like the SW900. Does anyone have any suggestions? Any help is appreciated.

Not enough info yet to give advice. What's the issue? You're missing the display? YOu're lookingfor an upgrade? Or is the connector 4 pins and you have a 5 pin plug?

Got a link to the kit on ebay? I've never seen an LCD display connector with 4 pins. They usually have 5 pins:
1) Battery power
2) Ground
3) Start signal
4) Txd. serial data in
5) Rxd, serial data out

LED displays w/o a screen can be 4 pins. DIfferent signaling arrangement.

In addition, the LCD displays use a serial data protocol and a established list of data registers, which differs with controller brands. You might get an LCD display to light up, but it won't communicate with the controller uness it's compatible.
I don't think that kit you show can use a display. It uses a thumb throttle and has no pedal assist sensor. All you do is power on, twist and go. It should have some LED's to show green/yellow/red as an indicator of battery power. That's enough.

Good thing you didn't throw money at an SW900. It wouldn't ever work.

Buy a inexpensive bike computer. It's actually a speedometer/odometer with a clock. Put in the right tire circumference and it's more accurate than any display. You might need to look hard to find one that 90 year old eyes can see. A display will show you this, sometimes the temperature, and sometimes the battery voltage, but sometimes they don't.

Pretty cheap single wall rim. I suggest, if you didn't already know, using rim tape. It will prevent the ends of the spokes from cutting the inner tube. Electrical tape will suffice.

Most of the sellers don't have much knowledge of what they sell. They are, on the other hand, smart enough to order a container full of bike kits and make big bucks selling them. Good for them!
Thanks @harryS . The seller basically lied to me. Oh well, we installed a standard LCD with a sensor on the spokes as you suggested. It will work for him. Now I am looking for three Ebikes for my family. It is contagious.