Forum Updates and Feedback

Feeling some anxiety as I see all the "by brands" gone! Nowhere else were discussions about the specific brands to get specific help and information on the bike you're interested in, or just bought.
Very very large loss (most valuable part to me) :(
Thanks for sharing your feelings and feedback. I'm glad the sections are still there (and soon I'll be working to syndicate them into EBR to build more interest and traffic) but the forum homepage is hopefully less overwhelming now and easier to approach for beginners. Over time we plan to move brand related discussions into their respective brand forum :D
Looks good Court. :)

One observation. Do you need an off topic discussion heading within the e-bike section, when it already has general discussion.

The Off-topic discussion, should perhaps have it's own sub section below that of the e-bike section.
That's a good point Eddie, I was trying to have as few sections as possible since the headers take vertical space. I put the off-topic forum at the bottom of the General Ebike Forum but could move it to Welcome to the Community if that's a better fit? I feel like people here end up becoming friends and want to share thoughts on politics, skiing, rafting, cars and other stuff that doesn't relate to bikes. That's what off-topic is for but I see your point about where its currently positioned. I'm open to any feedback on this :)
One more question for everyone, do you think the "Introduce Yourself" forum is useful? I realize we already have signatures, profile posts and about sections so it felt a little redundant but not all of those have replies. So far I'm the only one that has introduced themselves and I'm just wondering what you think...
That's a good point Eddie, I was trying to have as few sections as possible since the headers take vertical space. I put the off-topic forum at the bottom of the General Ebike Forum but could move it to Welcome to the Community if that's a better fit? I feel like people here end up becoming friends and want to share thoughts on politics, skiing, rafting, cars and other stuff that doesn't relate to bikes. That's what off-topic is for but I see your point about where its currently positioned. I'm open to any feedback on this :)

Politics could be a dodgy topic, add to that religion and gun law, and you could well see the end of the forum. :D

I have mixed feelings about an "introduce Yourself" section.

Often it proves quite useful, but then I do wonder about how a new forum user might feel, when no one responds to their introduction. Clearly response isn't to be expected, but it can make a forum seem un friendly If none is given.

A forum members location map could be a useful addition though.
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I'm so new here that our ebikes are just being assembled today, and the hitch receiver goes on tomorrow! This site has so much great info. I love for it to be easy to find information on:
- General Bike Accessories (must have tools, locks, cargo bags, other add-ons, etc).
- Bike Racks (spent more time researching bike racks than the bikes themselves. There is a real shortage of options for carrying heavy bikes with fenders (think Cruiser style bikes).

Editing to add: just found the Parts and Accessories thread!
in the words of the late, great Gilda Radner, "Never mind".
I think the model specific forums as a category are just are buried a little too deep in the current structure. I wouldn't have expected them to be a sub-forum to the general discussion and would not look there if I was just browsing the site. At first I thought they had gone away. I do like the general discussion forum but on other forum sites when you search for a specific brand question and it's posted in the general grouping, you get one or two relevant responses and twenty pages of opinions about an item they don't even own or have direct knowledge or why they stayed in a Holiday inn.
Hello still learning the ropes here. Just a thought or two on the Introduce Yourself. Maybe it could be a getting started/new round here/ develop type idea or... a where can I find this info?... A place for the .. uhh obvious questions to be answered maybe? Forums can a be a huge resource for something new ones learning but on occasion it can be a bit overwhelming in the hunt for answers. I would love to post under my introduce yourself thread things I might need help with.. even if it has been answered a million times before... maybe some of the experienced peoples here could then post some suggestions or point out some posts to help us noobs continue the excitement. :) Just a thought. Maybe that is what a profile is for though. hmmm...
@Court I was wondering if maybe there is a way to put a map (perhaps in the introduce yourself area) in which members would have the option of putting a 'pin" in the general area in which they live? It would be interesting to see if there are any other Ebikes in ones neighborhood. Maybe folks would even contact each other and go riding together.
@Court I was wondering if maybe there is a way to put a map (perhaps in the introduce yourself area) in which members would have the option of putting a 'pin" in the general area in which they live? It would be interesting to see if there are any other Ebikes in ones neighborhood. Maybe folks would even contact each other and go riding together.
Like this as a sample? :rolleyes:
enter: ebrm
ADD: polygon with your @username for this forum :D
Both are interesting ideas @Cnugget & @EddieJ, I know Court is on overload with reviews and Interbike in 2 weeks but I'll make sure he hears about these. He can't provide the list of people or addresses; however, there's no reason each member couldn't add their own info to a shared map.
Court, or Ann, I would love to see a plus-sized rider section. Specifically for riders that weigh over 250lbs. (?) (The upper limit of many bicycles). That way all us fatties (or musclies) who are concerned about motor and frame strength, ebike weight loss, etc...can focus our posts.

It could be named...
1. Clydesdales and Athenas ( like other bike forums)... not my favorite ;)

2. Riders of Substance (I like this one).

3. Big and Tall (like the clothing stores)

4. ?? Other ideas?
Forgive me if this was suggested earlier in the thread. On my car forums, there is a section call "My Garage" on your profile page where you can list additional info and pictures for other forum members to check out.

It would be nice if we had a section to upload pictures and data of our bike(s) with additions areas (for example):
- model year and how long you had the ebike(s)
- make/model,
- specs,
- mods,
- Maint issues
- commuter/trail/vacation/work duties
- miles per
- biking weather (fun in sun only to die-hard 4 season rider)
- bike accessories added,
- year round riding gear,
- lights,
- Misc (1-4 bike rack, saddle bags/baskets, helmet, back packs, etc...)
- what I love/hate about my ebike(s)
- general owner info range like height range, age category, weight range, gender, etc...
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Hi @Berry78, maybe this is a category I'll open up down the line but in the mean time I've created a post about bikes for large people (tall and heavy) here: and have launched advanced search tools on the site to make it easier to narrow down by size and power. I realize it's not exactly what you're asking for but I hope it helps in the mean time :)

@mrgold35, I like the idea of a "bike garage" or some sort of section here where people could share their creations but am torn between that and the brand specific forums. The website is now pulling posts from relevant categories on these forums and showing them on the right rail to get people more engaged and chatting with real owners. If we had a mishmash section here that wasn't brand focused I realize it would be fun and interesting but then people on the site might not click over to explore and join here. Maybe a tag could be created and used here for whenever someone is doing an little expose on their bike? I've seen some AMAZING posts where people show their custom racks, upgraded seats, lights etc. and I always love those... I'm all ears here, if you have other ideas or specific thoughts on where the category might go or how it could be created in each brand section or the tag thing, thanks for sharing your thoughts :)
On my car forums, the additional pictures, mods, and specs were an extra link found on the individual's user profile page. Someone would have to click on my avatar or UserID to see my profile and then click into "Bike Garage" link to see my detailed bike information.

Here is what it looks like for one of my car forums:
@mrgold35, the Bike Garage is interesting, it's like a mini snapshot of you and your life with an Ebike. I'm always encouraging folks to add info about their bikes, where they ride and so on. If this info is posted within the related brand area you get the benefit of feedback from other riders along with helping others with the same or related bikes.
Can we do both (thread within a brand and "bike garage" link on your profile page). I'm worried the thread might get buried and forgotten about if members don't contribute to it after a while.