Finally the Beast rides again.


Well-Known Member
Finally after 4 months after my wife's shoulder replacement Surgery she was able to ride the beast again. she could only handle three miles one mile to see our granddaughter then to the trek store then the grocery store and back. today she did 5 miles we rode to a Chinese place for lunch and then home 3 miles. she was really worn out but I was pretty proud of her. I had already done 30 so she was lazy today :D Hope to take her riding every day and she will improve. I put some soft tires on the bike so it is not has bumpy and kept the speed down and watched all the small bumps as they can hurt her shoulder.
Glad to see your wife back in the saddle and it’s nice to know she has a solid support team behind her or in her case…you in front. Kudos to the both of you. 👍
Ya she worked 4 hours Friday first day back. we had no idea this would be so brutal and such a long recovery. part of it is the last month or so she could not really use her right arm so it stiffened up a lot. She cant hold the bars with her right hand yet.
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