Feedback requested for new KickStarter Spark Electric Bike


New Member
There's a Canadian company who currently has a kickstarter campaign going on for an electric mountain bike called the "Spark" (URL: (Link Removed - No Longer Exists))

They are asking for $999 for the bike. A comparable bike in the market today will cost around $4000.

I wanted some feedback on what you guys think about the successfullness of this campaign. Is $1000/bike too good to be true?
So the game begins again... Take a close look at the Shocke ebike symbol- its mighty similar to Specialized bike's logo.
Probably not close enough to cause legal issues, but enough that it may momentarily trigger the 'oh yeah, I know that brand' mental response. And a 350 watt hub motor bike with all the components looking pasted together rather than integrated and smooth is not a $4000 bike. If you want a bit of feedback on what is real vs. cloud, take a look at the rather extensive train (wreck?!) of discussion around the Sonders EBike.

Just a modest question; have you visited any local bike shops or ebike shops to test out a few ebikes? This will help you build a base for judging quality vs specs online -- there are big differences between a $1K and $4K bike.
LOL, OMG I just can't believe it. That's fregg'n hilarious. Is there a way to see when this "Rainbow" bike's webpage was uploaded? I'm curious about how long this bike as been selling.

And on the Sparke website, as far as I can see there's no way to contact them. Sketch.