Facebook Group Started

Biktrix has a very active and helpful Facebook community, with the owner often chiming in. It was the reason I almost bought one of their bikes and still may. Espin should take a page from their book and bolster the community. Thanks for taking the first step.
also, the 243-sec wait before consecutive posts is a bit nuts. I'm sure it's some anti-spam feature, but I'm sure there are less user-hostile ways to do it. (wonder if the 243 seconds are over since my last post...nope another 47 seconds!)
I'll make some adjustments to that this week. It is an anti-spam feature but I agree it's a bit extreme. That restriction does lift eventually, I forget if it's after you make a certain number of posts or age of your account... either way, will tweak soon and let you know once I do :)
My solution, I created a blocked list that is near twice the size of my friend's list! Act out, get rude, shove opinions at me, and PLONK!
I quit FB around 10 years ago when my high school chums that barely graduated all of a sudden became experts in most everything including religion and politics!
No religion, politics, or sales-pitches on the Espin Owners Facebook page, in case you change your mind. Just a community of Espin owners to share tips, tricks, triumphs, and tribulations on ebike ownership and to connect with others.
I'll make some adjustments to that this week. It is an anti-spam feature but I agree it's a bit extreme. That restriction does lift eventually, I forget if it's after you make a certain number of posts or age of your account... either way, will tweak soon and let you know once I do :)
Update: it has been tweaked @Urvaksh and @jenhoffman22 :) now just 60 seconds between posts. I'll eventually remove that restriction too once I get some other anti-spam stuff set up!
Is Josh (owner of Espin I think) on the FB group? If so, can someone ask him to make a lightweight eBike? :)
Facebook is evil 😉. Please consider an additional presence on an alternative platform, such as MeWe (which is what I use).
Might as well suggest Parler.
Well, no, not Parler... Admittedly, there are whacko groups on MeWe, but they're contained within themselves and nobody has to see their crap if they don't want to.