Facebook experts. 1 eBike experts


Well-Known Member
I'm totally freaked out by the threads on Facebook. So many self proclaimed experts suggesting batteries are totally safe to charge unattended and overnight. What's even more disconcerting are the suggestion that top flight eBike, Specialized and their ilk, are completely safe to charge willy nilly. I've suggested in a number of posts that the over 50 crowd visit here for best practices.
I believe there are very few experts out there that are actually experts on the care and safe charging of our ebike batteries. Most of us learn from articles and opinions that we have read and not from actual experimenting and testing we have personally done.
Opinions are like as#####s, we all have them and they all stink. Read articles by the experts and disregard the opinions.
How about we all go back to lead acid batteries for our ebikes then we could safely charge overnight. Dang we could even safely leave battery maintainers on all the time. No, I will take the lithium ion and manage the charging responsibly. Use only chargers supplied or recommended by the bike company. Put them on a timer just in case I forget or get sidetracked.
Charging unattended and overnight are two of the worst things you can do to your battery. I mean, it will probably be ok. The one time it isnt, though. That’ll be the one time you regret. Literally playing with fire.