Expiring Battery, or Expiring Controller, or Expiring Rider??


Need some help, please.

So, I am a 77 year owner of a Vado 3.0 purchased during the summer of 2018. I have about 7k or 8k on the bike, currently riding about 85 miles a week.

For the past three weeks or so, I am finding it increasing difficult to pedal at my usual pace, usually in the first level of assistance. It takes more effort, or shifting to a lower gear. If I take a short 5 or 10 second pause, that helps. Of course it's winter and winds seem stronger and colder. On my long straight home into the wind, I really have to work hard, straining my thigh muscles, more so than usual, in the second level of assist.

I've been racking my brain trying to figure out what's going on. Possibilities include:

1. Battery is on it's last legs with diminished output? (Is this the way batteries crap out, or do they just quit?)

2. Somehow the percentage level of assist has changed. (Is this controlled by the controller?) Or.

3. Power in my legs is beginning to diminish?

I love the bike and I enjoy riding the trails early mornings. I hope to hell it's not my legs!!

Your thought comments are most welcome. Thank you!
Is it colder than usual? Riding in just 5 or 10 degrees colder temp than the prior weeks will reduce your battery's output.
Effectively both, unless you make up the difference with your legs to sustain range.
I’ve never noticed a change in power output (assistance) like the op mentioned, but range definitely takes a hit when it’s cold.
Please post some voltages. It’s not possible to offer good support without any data.
but range definitely takes a hit when it’s cold.
I don't ride that bike, but do notice diminshed output on my own when I ride in low 40s temps vs the usual 55-65. Whether that diminished output would surface as a PAS wattage reduction, or instead a reduced range, would depend on that bikes' controller. Thus my question to the OP, in the recent weeks where it appears the bike's performance is diminished, has it been colder than usual?
I don't ride that bike, but do notice diminshed output on my own when I ride in low 40s temps vs the usual 55-65. Whether that diminished output would surface as a PAS wattage reduction, or instead a reduced range, would depend on that bikes' controller. Thus my question to the OP, in the recent weeks where it appears the bike's performance is diminished, has it been colder than usual?
Diminished output would affect all levels.
"Effectively both, unless you make up the difference with your legs to sustain range.", post #5 in this thread.
Um, but pedaling harder doesn’t help the battery gain anything. I think maybe we’re not understanding each other’s point?
No, range is about the same, but I believe I feel less assistance while pedaling. I have the old style display which only shows remaining bars of power, not voltage. And lately, morning temps when I ride have been in the high 20s to mid 30s. I know cold temps affect range but that’s not the issue.
And lately, morning temps when I ride have been in the high 20s to mid 30s. I know cold temps affect range but that’s not the issue.
Ok, last suggestion and then I'll butt out. Sorry if this is very basic, but have you checked your tires' pressure when cold at outdoor temp?
  • I assume your Vado has the BLOKS display (correct me if you've got the TCD-W display upgrade). With BLOKS, you cannot use Mission Control app to determine the state of the battery. If only doable, see your Specialized LBS and let them inspect the battery: number of charge cycles, battery health %

  • I don't think assistance levels can change themselves on Vado with BLOKS display. You can inspect and change the assistance on the BLOKS Vado with this Android app:
    Turbo Vado/Como Tune.

  • Next, winter means low battery temperature. The efficiency of very cold battery is low. "And lately, morning temps when I ride have been in the high 20s to mid 30s." It is very cold as for e-bike.

  • Next, winter riding means a lot more of effort than warm season cycling. I'm getting far worse performance myself, too. Think of winds, bad shape of roads, cold.

  • Rider: Blood circulation at low temps is weaker. Try riding in lower gears to increase your cadence.

but have you checked your tires' pressure when cold at outdoor temp?