Excuses to Ride

If you want pucker factor, this is leading up to that blue truck. It's far worse. I really like the bus blocking the useless bike lane.

Hole E Crap !!!
I wouldn't even want to drive down that highway in a car !
I'd just get Home Depot to deliver.

I'm glad that I only ride for fun.
I rode 65 km yesterday, with no-hands for more than half the ride.


I'd rather slide down a gravel road on my butt because I'm being a Jackass, than be splattered on the windshield of a car because that driver was being a Jackass.
Hole E Crap !!!
I wouldn't even want to drive down that highway in a car !
I'd just get Home Depot to deliver.

I'm glad that I only ride for fun.
I rode 65 km yesterday, with no-hands for more than half the ride.

View attachment 162495

I'd rather slide down a gravel road on my butt because I'm being a Jackass, than be splattered on the windshield of a car because that driver was being a Jackass.
Hole E Crap !!!
I wouldn't even want to drive down that highway in a car !
I'd just get Home Depot to deliver.

I'm glad that I only ride for fun.
I rode 65 km yesterday, with no-hands for more than half the ride.

View attachment 162495

I'd rather slide down a gravel road on my butt because I'm being a Jackass, than be splattered on the windshield of a car because that driver was being a Jackass.
I grew up riding bike around here. At 12yrs old, I was regularly riding the roads, going to the local market or hardware store. I used to ride bike to school which was about 5 miles. As I got older I'd ride further. Friends and I used to ride out to a mall or the outlet shops for giggles. We'd find spots to go fishing. It was common for us to ride about 30 miles a day running from friend's house to friend's house. The only problem I ever had was one of my own making when I took a short cut across a farm lane. A deeply rutted dirt road on a 10speed. I flipped it, landed in a ditch, woke up bloody with my bike unrideable. I dragged it down the road to a farm house and asked the farmer if he'd take me home. He gladly obliged, put my bike in the back of his truck and took me the 3 miles back to my house. Took me about 2 weeks to get my bike back together. I rode over to his place when I could and thanked him for helping me.

A few months ago I happened to be talking to that farmer's neighbor. She was a little girl at the time I crashed, but she said she knew him well, super nice guy. He passed a few years ago, but the family still owns and works the land. She has the next farm over.
She asked because she doesn't know about the club or the average riders. The club does work on getting some bike infrastructure in place, so far, they've gotten some lanes put in throughout the city. I have yet to actually see a bike use them. The lanes on the road in that video are useless, and in one spot just dangerous. There's a lane to the right of a car lane that exits onto an access road to a main highway. A bike needing to go straight has to cross the lane that's trying to exit.

Most recently they got a new lane on Lemon Street, I haven't seen it yet, but the newspaper said it's a problem because of visibility. So they're going to paint it green like some of the other lanes. To me, that sounds like a bad idea, painting an entire bike lane. That paint on asphalt is very slick, even more so when it gets wet. Around here, it seems the people that plan and make these decisions about bike infrastructure haven't ridden a bike.

there are lots and lots of solid-painted bike lanes in the world. they don't use standard paint, because, well, that would be really stupid!

Most of our holidays are e-bike based. We find an area that we want to go and see and plan. Mainly National Parks, as Mrs DG, coming from Poland, hasn’t been to them.

I then find traffic free cycling routes, where I can, print and laminate maps of these.

Next is to find a cottage in the area and everything is ready.

So far, we have done;
- Lake District
- Peak District
- Norfolk Broads
- South Downs
- New Forest
- Isle of Wight

Next year, we will do;
- Wye Valley / Forest of Dean
- Yorkshire Dales
- North Yorkshire Moors

On Mrs DGs days off we usually cycle locally or travel to some tracks as there are some around the Home Counties.

As Mrs DG works shifts and I’m retired, I like to go out riding every day where I can around the local area when she’s at work.

We really enjoy our e-bikes and enjoy getting out into the fresh air and countryside, even when they’re muck spreading.

So really, we don’t much of an excuse to get out on the e-bikes.

Did a quickie ride up to the store to get milk and a few other things. Gonna do asian food for dinner tonight. Get back to the bike rack and there was a roadie there loading up a pannier with groceries. He wasn't there went I went in. He only had it on one side, asked him if it throws off his balance. He said it does some. He said he liked how I load up my stuff. 3 gallons of milk, cereal, couple pounds of meat, stuff tomato for me for breakfast. Not a big load for me, but enough to fill the basket.
Rode up to Autozone to get some bulbs for the truck and the SUV. Something fun that I see around here all the times, and a glimpse of a road I travel all the time. I'm sure some of you will think I'm crazy for taking it.

I was hard on my front brake making that right turn at the light, my rear brake needed adjustment and I forgot to do it before I took off. Fixed it as soon as I got home.