Member Since 2014
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- The Piedmont
Went for a quick little cruise with @Shoestring today, 50.4 miles! My best on a single charge yet with this bike. We had no agenda for the ride, we just started riding south, at really too great of speed to get any range records. At a point we decided to stop, I had 21.~ on the clock. Shoestring asked If I wanted to go farther and I said, if we do, I need to bring the speeds down under 15 or so and I'd like to go for 50 miles minimum. The speed had to slow anyway, due to so many people had hit the trail. Temp was in the 70's and we went for it! 50.4 miles with 7% battery remaining. That's the lowest on power I had ever gone as well, with the 29'er. Had we started the ride going for range, I feel we could have done even better. All in all a great day and I'm wiped!