Etrikes that separate into two parts


New Member
HI ,,, I'm looking for a etrike that separate into two parts other than the Liberty. this is for ease of transportation and weight consiterations. There are lots of folding trikes, this doesn't solve the weight issue, so folding does not fit the bill.
Any help appreciated
Thanks Michael
Replace the hinge pin of a folding trike with a removable split pin voila..
Are you sure that can be done ?
the liberty has a sort of top plate that looks like it make it styridier?
I'm worried if I do that and the hinge is not built for it it will not be tight and secure?
I can fit the Lectric XP Trike in the hatch of my Toyota Yaris

and Prius, with enough room to spare for another ebike.
Taking the trike apart to two, might require disconnecting wires & control cables.. that might be something custom build but not readily for purchase.
Thanks for the reply ,


As I said in my post folding does not work for me because, the bike weights the same fold or not.
The Libirty is made to come apart. and, you right there is one wire to disconnect. But, it is a quick disconnect.
liberty trikes here