electrifying my 3 wheeler wheel chair. Friction drive or scooter tire?


Active Member

I have a Grit freedom chair, it basically has a single speed bike chain setup on both sides. The levers on each side are used to propel oneself. I like it and use it a great deal. I am considering powering up the front wheel on this chair. Not to replace my arms, but to augment them, much like my legs are augmented with my ebike.
I think I have two choices. 1, some kind of friction drive like Qiroll, or a scooter hub motor and tire. The dropouts(which are a bit different from the picture) are about 100mm and there is room for up to 9.5 inch tire 2 inches wide. I have 48V battery and charger with the bike, so would like to use those. I have looked at xiaomi scooter wheel and it might work. I have been down the aliexpress rabbit hole and unlike Alice, I came back confused...
Anyone have some parts they want to sell? or knowledge they are willing to pass on? thanks. Any input appreciated.
Control and speed would be 2 major hurdles if you power the front tire. Wouldn't be really easy to set yourself up for high speed circles?
Control and speed would be 2 major hurdles if you power the front tire. Wouldn't be really easy to set yourself up for high speed circles?
Thanks. Rich. My idea is not well thought out, some might say half baked? I know I get more exercise with a bit of help on my ebike, and think something similar might happen with the chair. Not sure, but thinking that. It is pretty hilly where I live. I could go to more places with the chair with a bit of 'juice'.
Speed control is a question mark for sure. I usually do a slow to normal walking speed on level paved areas. Some kind of throttle and/or on/off switch and controller? I have been looking at small brushless motors, thinking about RPM's and wheel speed etc.
For (I assume steering?) Control, it is not shown in the picture, but there are foot pegs on the front wheel. Some folks that have these chairs have no leg movement. Their feet must go on the flat foot rest, which has straps as well to hold your feet in place. These folks steer by pushing harder on one lever than the other. I am fortunate to have some control over legs and feet. I steer the chair with my feet on two foot pegs on the front wheel. And I wear the seatbelt...(did a turnover wheelie once early on)
I did a quick search. A chair is in my future. Perhaps some of the EU sites can lead you to a decent front motor.
I think the OneMotor friction drive kit might be an interesting and easy option to try. Worst case someone needs to weld a special mount. If the rear wheel drive system has clutch/mechanism such that if pushed forward the control leavers are not propelled as well then it could be used on one ,or both, of your current drive wheels, but if the linkage is direct, them probably not a good option.
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the Onemotor kit looks quite capable. thanks. A bit more than I can invest at the moment, but it would do what I want I think. I appreciate the idea.
I did a quick search. A chair is in my future. Perhaps some of the EU sites can lead you to a decent front motor.
Thanks. that looks interesting.
I have looked at complete scooters to cannibalize. The Gotrax Rival from Walmart is $250 all in. It has a wheel that I think would work, plus everything else. That is looking like a go. I can always put it back together and sell it for something if it doens't work out.