Electric tandem


New Member
Here's something you may not have seen! Our tandem from Circe Cycles, England. in this pic we are on the 10 lakes tour in Austria, based around Salzburg. The bike makes a very comfortable tourer and enabled us to climb everything on the route!
Here's something you may not have seen! Our tandem from Circe Cycles, England. in this pic we are on the 10 lakes tour in Austria, based around Salzburg. The bike makes a very comfortable tourer and enabled us to climb everything on the route!View attachment 17167
We recently purchased an electric tandem but have not figured out how to transport it. It seems to be too long and too heavy for all of the bike racks I have seen. How do you move your bike around?
That is a difficult question. The length is the big problem.

Either a long trailer of some kind or in the box of a pickup truck, but it will stick out quite a bit. I think a modified trailer is your best option.

Good luck.
Hi KathrynC,
Amazingly, as the Circe has 20' wheels,and both handlebars are quick-release, it goes into the back of our small Citroen car.
However, that probably doesn't help you. There is a specific tandem rack, which we are considering buying to free up space in the car- it's American-this is the link http://www.atoc.com/tandemtopper.php
Nice bike and pic. I would add one of those tall flags on yellow pole to panniers , you see recumbents have. Ride safe. What a Vaca.!
Nice bike and pic. I would add one of those tall flags on yellow pole to panniers , you see recumbents have. Ride safe. What a Vaca.!
Thanks, Robie. The great thing about Austria (and Germany) is that you ride for about 80% of the time on dedicated cyclepaths so it really is safe.
We recently purchased an electric tandem but have not figured out how to transport it. It seems to be too long and too heavy for all of the bike racks I have seen. How do you move your bike around?
Hi-I replied above but I may not have have clicked the right button for you to get an alert
We recently purchased an electric tandem but have not figured out how to transport it. It seems to be too long and too heavy for all of the bike racks I have seen. How do you move your bike around?
I saw several tandem bikes at the trail head today, this was one.
I remembered your question so I asked the owners about it. They said they travel a lot with the bike and the rack is rock solid. All steel and doesn't move or rattle. He shook the bike to show me. I was impressed! This was on a mid sized SUV. The brand is EZ Load Tandem.
