Howdy, You wrote.... " they're very bright, I almost blinded myself with the headlight. " Assuming you were serious about 'blinding
yourself ' and not an expression of excitement, consider all the folks that will be walking or riding towards you as you ride.

An 800 lumen light is very bright. I'm guessing the optics in that $25 light, to correctly direct the beam may not be what would be found in a
higher priced unit. I'm not knocking the light, it may be great. I'm suggesting we cyclists have a responsibility to install and use a light
that will provide proper illumination for our needs, but not at the risk of others vision.

This is one time when $$s are well spent to purchase a LED light that has a beam pattern that can be correctly and safely focused
for concerned.
Thank you for this. NOTHING is more irritating than a cyclist coming my way trying to prove they have a bigger, brighter, more blinding light than a Boeing 777, their behaviour is dangerous. Then there are the clowns who insist on using the flashing mode when it is dark, affecting oncoming rider's vision & focus on what lies ahead. I always dim or re-align my beam and save the more powerful beam for dark sections or off road. Save the white flashing for the daylight hours in traffic. Bright lights in the face of pedestrians, car drivers and other cyclist is impossible to manage. A big callout in this message to those belligerent cyclists who continue to give the rest of us cyclists a bad name.