Electric Bike Company Cruisers


New Member
(Link Removed - No Longer Exists)

Court reviewed this bike well, and the components seem great. I like the strong motor and option for a huge battery. It appears to be very fast.

-The website is confusing. They list the motor at 500W, whereas Court lists it as 750-990W. There was no warranty information. They didn't list the volts.
-I can find no reviews on the forums from other owners.
-There was recently a battery fire with this model.

I want to like this bike. In many ways it seems nicer than the juiced cruiser... but the lack of information on the website seems rather unprofessional.
Look for the words 'nominal' and 'peak' when reading motor specs. This may explain the different numbers you described. I usually play it safe and use the nominal figures when comparing equipment; the problem is, without an e-bike standard, many manufacturers cite the figure that makes their product look good, regardless of how it may perform in the real world. The automotive industry solved this issue decades ago by developing a standard dynamometer test to determine horsepower ratings. The e-bike world needs to follow suit.