Thank You harryS. Just that one word, 'silverfish' was the key I needed. Feeling much better than $400 now. I was also missing that fact that it was a 'generic'. Now I got some digging to. I'll post again once... maybe before, I purchase. With that on my rack I can drive the OEM til death, and still get home. What's another 10 lbs. added to pedal around
Micheal Backus... The Hammer is a beast, made me feel like a little kid when I first rode it. I'm 5' 11"ish and it feels tall to me still. If you where to extend seat to proper height for leg/knee extension you could never reach the ground when sitting on saddle. It's a compromise between touching the ground when you stop getting good leg extension. Good side is I feel like 'Motaur' in the Prgressive Ins commercial when I stand up on the pedals and lean forward. Great fun going thru intersections that way, great visibility too.

Micheal Backus... The Hammer is a beast, made me feel like a little kid when I first rode it. I'm 5' 11"ish and it feels tall to me still. If you where to extend seat to proper height for leg/knee extension you could never reach the ground when sitting on saddle. It's a compromise between touching the ground when you stop getting good leg extension. Good side is I feel like 'Motaur' in the Prgressive Ins commercial when I stand up on the pedals and lean forward. Great fun going thru intersections that way, great visibility too.