EBR Etiquette (Please Be Kind)


Staff member
Hey guys! Since launching the EBR reviews website in 2012 and ultimately expanding with this forum (so people could connect on other topics and become friends) I've slowly become overwhelmed and spread thin. I used to read every conversation and reply one-on-one but that's no longer possible... So, here are some guidelines to keep this place nice!

Note: If someone told you to read this post, you may be breaking the rules and could be close to getting banned... which nobody wants, everyone is welcome here but to keep it going we ask that you follow the rules:
  • Please be friendly, give people the benefit of the doubt, treat them with kindness and if all else fails... ignore them! There is an "ignore" link when you click on any user's name or avatar image. If people in your real life aren't being nice to you, leave them and make new friends. This forum welcomes people of all religions, races and sexual orientations, please do not over-emphasize your lifestyle or attack others for being different from you.
  • Please post in the correct forum section and then stay on topic. This is a site about electric bikes, not politics, religion or penguins. The difficult and nuanced piece is that sometimes ebikes and politics intersect and occasionally the Pope mentions global warming which is linked to the subject of sustainable transportation. in those limited cases please use your best judgment and don't be rude or controversial just to ingratiate yourself or your own emotionally derived views. Be data-driven but also be open-minded.
  • If you post a link... also post some thoughts or a summary... or something! When people create a bunch of new threads and simply link to other sites it creates clutter and does not add value in the way more developed content would. That said, do not plagiarize by copy/pasting into EBR when someone else has done an amazing job. Please add value with your posts.
  • When you upload images, please insert them using thumbnails instead of using the full sized option. I request this because it will make loading much quicker for people who have limited Internet connection speeds and those on mobile devices with expensive data plans. If people want to see the full-sized image, they will click it ;)
  • If you are being paid to be here, please note this in your signature. If you work at an ebike company or are affiliated with the industry in some other way please note that in your signature as well. You're welcome to be here but we ask that you are honest about your affiliations.
  • Please respect the privacy of members, do not post personal information without consent. This includes not posting screenshots of private conversations.
  • EBR is meant to be a constructive place, if you're in an uncomfortable position with a company and wish to share about your experience, please be as respectful and professional as possible. This is a two-sided issue, we value transparency and hope that any feedback from one user can help the next, but we don't want this to become a place for negativity and threats. We care about all parties involved and request that you post thoughtfully and with constructive language vs. emotional hurtful language.
  • Never divulge any personal or private information about other people.
Controversial viewpoints are welcome here but controversial behavior is not. I believe in transparency and the betterment of people and technology through constructive argument. If the chemicals in your brain, the adverse environment where you reside or the repetitive conditioning of your youth regularly evoke negative responses from peers, coworkers and police officers... you are still welcome here but I'd suggest that you re-read posts before submitting them. This could be your opportunity to shine, make friends, promote a space that's healthy, sustainable and community-oriented by answering questions (or posing new ones of your own).

Keep an eye out for our staff members online. We have @Angela M. as our Forum Moderator, @mitchhackleman as our Operations Manager, and @troehrkasse as our Tech lead and Videographer. They are here to help and love to talk, so feel free and message them if you have any questions, or just want to say hello!

And in closing... sometimes life can feel unstable, we all struggle at times and even make mistakes. Whether you're super popular here, struggling to get along or ultimately get banned, thank you for sharing your voice. We appreciate you even if it didn't work out.
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Well said, Court. I have a suggestion: as some members only visit certain sections of the forum, perhaps you should consider pinning it in each sub-forum. In that manner everyone will be informed of these rules. :)
That's a good suggestion, I want to try focusing the message here at first. As individuals deviate or exhibit confusion we can link them back to this singular source. Even though it's worded gently, I want to avoid too much of a critical mindset and distraction from the primary topic at hand (awesome ebike stuff). Over time if it seems necessary to replicate the message we can reconsider ;)
Can we get something like this stickied to the main page... I recently responded to a member's request on getting help buying an ebike and using the forum.

How to buy your first eBike!
1st. Stop reading the forum.
2nd. Start watching all the reviews on YOUTUBE. Just search electric bike review. You should see the EBR tag in the preview of each video.
3rd. Jot down some ebikes that look appealing, and sound interesting to you.
4th. Go read the full review on those ebikes.
5th. Make a list of your MUST HAVE's
6th. Review that list and see if there are any matches.
7th. Search a little more and find some matches to your list.
8th. Find your local eBike shop and schedule a demo day.
9th. Bring your list and ask if they have any of those bikes or something comparable.
10. Don't buy anything on your first or second visit to the bike shop. Go home think about the pros and cons, do a little more research on the Forum.

After you have gone through this list you should have a better sense of what you need vs. what you think you need or what looks "awesome".

Ask the community after you've done the research, We get tired of telling newbies about all the different bikes they could look at. DO the WORK.

Make sure you have at lest 3 eBikes that meet at least 75% of your must haves, and go back to the bike shop and test ride those bikes.

Now you can buy an eBike knowing you've made a wise informed decision.

How to use the forum.
Use the 'Search' bar to find keywords in every post ever posted, someone might already be talking about your question!

On your first post, provide details about your cycling needs, wants and location, along with anything you feel will help us ANSWER your question. Be specific, we are here to help. The more information we have the better we can help you.

Read before you post, and then read some more.

Follow people and be polite, nobody like trolls. (except for me)

That's all I got for using the forum.
Ask the community after you've done the research, We get tired of telling newbies about all the different bikes they could look at. DO the WORK.

Your list is very thorough. I'm not sure everybody is going to be this thorough, lol!

Besides, I like helping newbies with whatever questions they have!

This could be your opportunity to shine, make friends, promote a space that's healthy, sustainable and community oriented by answering questions (or posing new ones of your own).

I must admit that I have honestly learned some things about getting along with others, just in the time since I've been in this community.

Your leadership-by-example has been a big part of this. Thanks to @Ann M. also for being kind to me!

Not saying I've totally reformed overnight. :p
I'm not saying that they can't or we won't answer/ask questions, but personally when I see "what ebike should I get" over and over again, I get a little annoyed. Meh, whateves.

Great site, great info.
Court, as we've discussed, pick out a few moderators who will volunteer to spend time on the forum to make sure the rules are being followed (such as Ann). The good news is that this forum is kinder/gentler than most and has some level of self monitoring (meaning conscientious members will call out those who aren't considerate).
That's a great idea. Most forum's do have moderators who are working as volunteers. I know I'd be up for that, and I'm pretty sure there are more than a handful of others here that wouldn't mind being moderators.
Court, as we've discussed, pick out a few moderators who will volunteer to spend time on the forum to make sure the rules are being followed...

I know I'd be up for that, and I'm pretty sure there are more than a handful of others here that wouldn't mind being moderators.

It is difficult to have active members become moderators.

Imagine someone that you have been in active debate with suddenly becoming the person who monitors your behavior. ;)
In general, the best candidates are forum members who have been around a couple of years. I've been a moderator and also chosen people to be mods. It's important that the chosen member be a "known quantity", who has shown that he/she doesn't have a particular agenda and is willing to put the community's interest first.
The only reason I decided to finally join this forum and be a contirbutor and not just a reader is because the people. Most forums ppl attack so hardcore becuase theyre hiding behind a computer screen. EBR has done a good job. Lets hope it stays this way!
Can we get something like this stickied to the main page... I recently responded to a member's request on getting help buying an ebike and using the forum.

How to buy your first eBike!
1st. Stop reading the forum.
2nd. Start watching all the reviews on YOUTUBE. Just search electric bike review. You should see the EBR tag in the preview of each video.
3rd. Jot down some ebikes that look appealing, and sound interesting to you.
4th. Go read the full review on those ebikes.
5th. Make a list of your MUST HAVE's
6th. Review that list and see if there are any matches.
7th. Search a little more and find some matches to your list.
8th. Find your local eBike shop and schedule a demo day.
9th. Bring your list and ask if they have any of those bikes or something comparable.
10. Don't buy anything on your first or second visit to the bike shop. Go home think about the pros and cons, do a little more research on the Forum.

After you have gone through this list you should have a better sense of what you need vs. what you think you need or what looks "awesome".

Ask the community after you've done the research, We get tired of telling newbies about all the different bikes they could look at. DO the WORK.

Make sure you have at lest 3 eBikes that meet at least 75% of your must haves, and go back to the bike shop and test ride those bikes.

Now you can buy an eBike knowing you've made a wise informed decision.

How to use the forum.
Use the 'Search' bar to find keywords in every post ever posted, someone might already be talking about your question!

On your first post, provide details about your cycling needs, wants and location, along with anything you feel will help us ANSWER your question. Be specific, we are here to help. The more information we have the better we can help you.

Read before you post, and then read some more.

Follow people and be polite, nobody like trolls. (except for me)

That's all I got for using the forum.

Thanks for the input! I'll definitely start checking out Youtube videos for reviews and take my time in buying it. I have such a tendency to just buy the first one that looks like the one and I'll use these steps instead!
George S posted a great article about what the process of searching for an e bike should involve. Posted it somewhere on this site and another site I read. It should be high lighted somewhere by itself.
Is is possible to send private messages to users, more specifically to admins?
Absolutely, Thomas Jaszewski! You can send messages to anyone on the site, including me. To the right of your profile name is your INBOX; that's where you can create a new message to anyone on the site. If you let your 'mouse' sit over the Inbox, then you will see any messages show up and at the bottom is a tab to create a new message. At the top is a space to enter who it is you want to reach; just add a comma after that and add your EBR name. Then you're good to go!