EBR Etiquette (Please Be Kind)

The kindness and helpful approach here is quite amazing. I actually enjoy visiting. I've become bored by some forums and the attitudes. This forum and Endless Sphere Facebook seem to be the best in terms of keeping things friendly. ES FB has the advantage of people using their real names and perhaps that tones folks down some. ANYWAY!
Thanks for keeping the room well lit and friendly!
Great forum rules and etiquette - and a really great website. I've been a bicycle rider ever since I was 9 years old and my big brother gave me his huge, red Schwinn with 26 inch wheels. I had to climb onto some high ground or a stump or a rock in order to climb on the bike, and stopping usually meant crashing because I could not reach the ground, but it was very exciting. Bicycle riding has lost none of it's excitement in the 50 years since - it just gets better and better!
Absolutely, Thomas Jaszewski! You can send messages to anyone on the site, including me. To the right of your profile name is your INBOX; that's where you can create a new message to anyone on the site. If you let your 'mouse' sit over the Inbox, then you will see any messages show up and at the bottom is a tab to create a new message. At the top is a space to enter who it is you want to reach; just add a comma after that and add your EBR name. Then you're good to go!

Hello Ann- Please excuse my etiquette in my post about advertising. I will be careful. Best regards.
B. Armani
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How do the points work? I've seen members who have been here two weeks with 200 posts and they're miraculously "well known members". I have over 500 posts and 450 likes, just wondering how it works? Thanks
How do the points work? I've seen members who have been here two weeks with 200 posts and they're miraculously "well known members". I have over 500 posts and 450 likes, just wondering how it works? Thanks
If you open your profile and click on your points score, it will show you all the "trophies" you've earned. At the bottom of that window there's a link to a list of all possible trophies. Some are weighted more heavily so someone who's been here and has fewer posts can earn more points more quickly.
Just wondering what EBR's policy is on referral links? Are they appropriate to include in a post If adequately disclosed?
Hey guys! Since launching the EBR reviews website in 2012 and ultimately expanding with this forum (so people could connect on other topics and become friends) I've slowly become overwhelmed and spread thin. I used to read every conversation and reply one-on-one but that's no longer possible... So, here are some guidelines to keep this place nice!

Controversial viewpoints are welcome here but controversial behavior is not. I believe in transparency and the betterment of people and technology through constructive argument. If the chemicals in your brain, the adverse environment where you reside or the repetitive conditioning of your youth regularly evoke negative responses from peers, coworkers and police officers... you are still welcome here but I'd suggest that you re-read posts before submitting them. This could be your opportunity to shine, make friends, promote a space that's healthy, sustainable and community-oriented by answering questions (or posing new ones of your own).

And in closing... sometimes life can feel unstable, we all struggle at times and even make mistakes. Whether you're super popular here, struggling to get along or ultimately get banned, thank you for sharing your voice. We appreciate you even if it didn't work out.

I love the tone of the original etiquette post... this is one of the best online communities. Well-done Court!
Just wondering what EBR's policy is on referral links? Are they appropriate to include in a post If adequately disclosed?

Yes, you can give referrals. If they are to a business that you are connected with financially, you should post them in the "dealer" section. If you are a happy customer, you can say so!

I'm a happy customer and some folks here thought I talked about my bike too much, so do keep in mind that some people might be annoyed if you talk about your brand too often because it might feel to them like you are promoting something. (Hard for me, because I love my bike!!!)