Mass Deduction
Active Member
[...]The same people who scream about climate change use tons of disposable gadgets that end up in land fills or are picked apart by starving children in the third world at huge health consequences.
I'm sure what you say is true of some people, but I know lots of people who lead by example and lead very low-waste lives, including not using many gadgets (disposable or otherwise). Your statement suggests they're all that way, and I know that's not true.
But your argument is self-defeating anyway. I've heard people people complain that opponents of bad forestry practices shouldn't carry around wooden signs to make their point. And yet people often vote for political parties that spend *tonnes* of money trying to win elections on a platform of bringing in a frugal economic policy, and isn't that kind of the same thing? In all these cases they're using the available tools in an attempt to make change.
And without chemicals such as fertilizers made from petroleum by-products a huge portion of the world would starve
The science doesn't agree with your assertion. Chemical fertilizers are necessary because we feed vast amounts of the world's food to livestock. In the U.S. for example, 70% of all the grain is fed to food animals. All around the world huge amounts of grains, beans, etc., are fed to animals instead of humans. The science says that making our diets more plant-based is the best solution to feeding the world, not pumping chemicals into the ground. A person who adopts a plant-exclusive diet reduces the amount of farmland required to support their diet by about 70%, but any movement towards making your diet more plant-based helps.
It's like the billionaires in Davos screaming about climate change as they fly their private jets constantly. It's funny to see 16 year old kids get all upset about this, it's just part of being a teenager, but it's strange seeing adults being so uncritical. I would say that in the end we should come back in ten years and see what new death awaits us, but I guess we'll all be dead from climate change so we won't be able to.
If you're going to criticize a movement, at least be accurate. The scientific consensus isn't that we'll all be dead from climate change in 10 years. The concern is that as polar ice caps melt, and less of the sun's heat is reflected off the planet, that we'll end up in a runaway cycle of ice melting. The goal is to avoid that point, but it'll still take generations for it to play out.