
One is still exotic with an assist drive ebike like SL. So I'm always expecting ebikers with normal big drives/motors yelling "Cheater!", when I pass them with the Creo.... ;-)
It did not happen so far, but I will notify here if so... ;-)
Jodi: As we are neighbours, we might meet in some future, covid allowing it :) Start being afraid, as I'm really going to be a cheater on my S-Vado 5.0 :D
One is still exotic with an assist drive ebike like SL. So I'm always expecting ebikers with normal big drives/motors yelling "Cheater!", when I pass them with the Creo.... ;-)
It did not happen so far, but I will notify here if so... ;-)
No comments since I went stealthy and turned off my TCU lights 🤫
No comments since I went stealthy and turned off my TCU lights 🤫
With the SL, I let all other cyclists take me over :) I just don't care. It is different to my Speed Vado though. Any roadie who dares to pass me will suffer humiliation! (Unless downhill. Or, time-trial bike). :D
I will draw the line at throttles -- it turns it into a low-powered motorcycle. There was one on the e-bikes that we rented a few years ago and, although using the throttle was fun to try out, it changed the entire character of the riding experience for me.
Here's at tip. Just because an e-bike has a throttle doesn't mean you have to use it. My R1U 700 has one, and I've only applied it a bit when first getting rolling to clip my SPD's in. In fact, I do most of my riding in PAS 0 saving assist for hills and headwinds. I've ridden motorcycles for decades and still have two, and it's an entirely different experience from riding my e-bike.

I've never had anyone call me a cheater and do most of my riding on rural roads, but I did have an old guy wave me down to ask about a house down the road, and he asked if my bike was one of those motorized bikes. I said yes, and he said that was the lazy way. I told him I wasn't even using the power, and he made a comment that he could see I was sweating a lot. Was pretty ironic because he was an old guy driving an air-conditioned SUV and was on oxygen, yet he was calling me lazy when I was riding a 62 pound bike unassisted on a hot day.
Just because your gun has a trigger doesn't mean you have to use it. (What about Class 2 e-bikes?)
Bad analogy about guns. Just because your car has air conditioning, cruise control, or various other options, doesn't mean you have to use them if you don't want to. What about Class 2?
Bad analogy about guns. Just because your car has air conditioning, cruise control, or various other options, doesn't mean you have to use them if you don't want to. What about Class 2?
Class 2 is throttle only.
Class 2 is throttle only.
Is that true in Europe Stefan? Here in the US, a Class 2 bike, including mine, has a throttle but most also have cadence and / or torque sensors and can be ridden like a Class 1. Like GenXrider above, I use the throttle sparingly in certain situations where its awkward to get started but otherwise treat the bike like it was a Class 1.
On some bikes when you install a throttle it kills the feel. The controller recognizes the throttle and the bike reverts to a 20Mph dud with lag, surge and lurch. Remove the throttle and ahh. The bike is suddenly wonderful to ride.
I repaired a throttle bike. The rider was overweight so I fixed it with a set screw. Just drill and put in the screw with a dab of black paint. The kid had gained weight from playing video games during lockdown so his mom purchased a bike to get him out. I did it with her blessing during assembly.


  • ThrottleRepair.JPG
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Class 2 is throttle only.
must be special class-2 bikes, because I own 4 from 3 different manufacturers and they are all class-2 and have both throttle and PAS.

only time I use throttle is starting off from a red light or stop sign, gets me up to speed faster since I am in traffic, safer for me and less annoying to the cagers around me.

as stated above, just be cause it is there doesn't mean one has to use it. personally find it pointless to purchase a bicycle then not peddle. the only reason I opted for an e-bike over a non e-bike was because I choose to use my bike to commute 25 miles each way to work, and the e-bike allows me to do so in roughly an hour, a regular bike takes me nearly twice that, and I personally have no desire to be commuting 4 hours a day.
I do think that throttles are a safety device on a a bike, a way to get out of a jam fast when someone does something stupid close to you....
I am not sure this is true.
I do live here.
Throttles are only allowed here for S-Pedelecs that are treated as mopeds, with all consequences related to a moped. Funny to think about it, I have to find yet an S-Pedelec with EU Certificate of Compliance that would be equipped with a throttle. All other e-bikes limited to 25 km/h and with 250 W (nominal) motor are just bikes in Europe (and must be solely pedalled: the EU law is specific on that).

must be special class-2 bikes, because I own 4 from 3 different manufacturers and they are all class-2 and have both throttle and PAS.
Agreed. Class 2 is the only one that is allowed a throttle by the Federal and California laws. I wonder what is hard to understand in this picture.


Picture courtesy of Juiced Bikes.
I am from there but not lived there for many years.
I did not realize speed pedelecs are treated as mopeds, not the end of the world, but still good to know :)
Another interesting article
I’ve only been riding Ebikes for a few months and yes my Ultra has a throttle if needed. Getting across busy roads in route to the park I ride at is about the only time I use it. I did not get an Ebike to cheat, but to exercise so I don’t get fat and can continue drinking beer at times. Throttles can help you out at times, but to turn a bike into a moped defeats the whole purpose to me. I also have had a knee and hip replaced so PAS allows me to go further before anything starts hurting. PAS 1 works just fine for 90% of my riding while still forcing me to work. I used to ride Harley’s and that was great for cross county trips, bicycling gives me a similar outdoor freedom I love and the exercise is a bonus. Not sure I’d screw my throttle closed for it has it uses at times, but very limited for we are riding bikes here.
I’ve only been riding Ebikes for a few months and yes my Ultra has a throttle if needed. Getting across busy roads in route to the park I ride at is about the only time I use it. I did not get an Ebike to cheat, but to exercise so I don’t get fat and can continue drinking beer at times. Throttles can help you out at times, but to turn a bike into a moped defeats the whole purpose to me. I also have had a knee and hip replaced so PAS allows me to go further before anything starts hurting. PAS 1 works just fine for 90% of my riding while still forcing me to work. I used to ride Harley’s and that was great for cross county trips, bicycling gives me a similar outdoor freedom I love and the exercise is a bonus. Not sure I’d screw my throttle closed for it has it uses at times, but very limited for we are riding bikes here.
I basically do the very same thing as there are no real hills where I live in California's central valley. It might as well be the Midwest unless you go up in to the foothills of the Sierra Nevada. I generally ride my Vado in Eco and only step up to Sport to cross a busy highway, which I often do without making the cross traffic stop for a red light (always safely, of course), and then immediately drop it back down to Eco. When riding with my son I usually ride without any assist, but that is slow (10mph) and I confess I do like the higher speed I can maintain in Eco (about 14mph).

I have a funny story that happened this morning. My boss and his wife flew down to Santa Barbara to spend the long weekend with some friends from their college days. The couple in Santa Barbara suggested they rent some e-bikes and cruise around the town and along the coast, so they did... - AND THEY LOVED IT!!! This morning when I came in he called me over to his office to tell me all about it and what a blast is was. They rented Rad Rovers (not sure if they were 4's or 5's), but his wife now wants an e-bike! 😃 My boss is a marathoner so he is in excellent physical condition (they are in their early 50s), but he loved that the e-bike made it so he could ride with this wife without her being wiped out trying to keep up with him, or him having to dawdle to stay with her. My guess is we will soon have a couple more e-bike converts here in Oakdale, California, assuming they can find any e-bikes to buy. 😒