
It's only cheating on an eBike when you think they don't know it's an eBike. And then you ride up an incline, past a group of female onlookers, going 25mph in turbo like you're Lance. All the time acting like you're in agony. 😉
Ah. That made me recollect something.
At some location outside Cracow Poland, there is a very steep incline. Motorized vehicles use it but nobody sane even tries to climb it on a bike. On some day, I was on a group ride with a couple of friends; I rode a Giant Trance E+. My friends stopped before that street, full of awe. I didn't stop. Just downshifted to the granny gear, switched the max assistance on, and rode up the hill fast (but then had to lie on a lawn to recover my breath).

There was a group of onlookers at the bottom of the hill. When they saw me climbing, they only sighed, and one guy shouted in awe: "See that Cossack! He's gonna make it!" ("Kozak" (Cossack) is a Polish slang word to describe someone doing epic things).

I would happily be a cheater at that moment. Unfortunately, the friend of mine gave me out...
I bought an ebike because I enjoy the changes in scenery of longer rides and the ability to consistently ride faster. However my HRM tells me I'm putting in a meaningful effort and getting good exercise. What's "cheating" about that?
Same here. I rode a normal gravel bike before when we lived in a quite flat region. Two years ago we moved to a hilly region and my rides always ended much to early. I bought a Creo Evo and my rides are 2-3 times longer and with more height meters than and more burned calories then before.
I'm "only" 50, but I feel very fine among so many SL riders here 20-30 years older.
I sold my normal gravel bike two weeks ago as I did not use it for two years. My salary is not high enough to keep also the normal bike. So my answer would be "Maybe you can help me cheating less. Just give me some 2000 Euro for keeping the normal gravel bike as well, that I can use it for flat rides." ;-)
I had an interesting encounter with a jogger on a very remote single track road near Balquhidder in the Trossachs…one of the many beautiful cycle ways in Scotland.
I was cycling along the road without any assist as I had reached the 15.5 mph when the assist switched off.
up front was a lone female jogger, so being the polite cyclist I am, I rang my bell, which she heard and moved over, I then said ’Thankyou’ as I passed her.
as a I was cycling away she shouted something at me…I thought maybe something was amiss with my bike so I stopped and asked her what she was shouting.
’Is that an ebike?’ She asked
‘Yes‘ I replied.
’Thats Cheating’ she said.
’You're not getting any exercise’ she exclaimed.
’Oh yes I am, it just allows me to go further and faster….and I have never felt better physically and mentally since getting my Vado 4’
’No you’re not’ she repeated ‘ How far can you go anyway? 50? 60 miles?’
’Yes I replied, no problem…I just get their quicker…and half the time I am running without any assist’
’Oh well’ she says ‘I can do that on my road bike!’
’that’s food then’ I said ‘ bear in mind you are a good bit younger than me!’
finally I said
’By the way are these metal knees you’ve got, because if not and you keep jogging you soon will have!’
I then cycled off leaving her to her prejudiced opinions…..and dodgy knees!

What is it with these people? I say Don’t mock it until you've tried it!
Fantastic Day though, Scotland is such a beautiful place 😊
Sometimes I´m polite with roadies in uniform, & hang back so as to not make them feel bad.😌
I like finding roadies to keep pace with
I do the same, although I don't want to pass them anymore. Why to break their hearts :)
(In all the honesty, they always win the downhill races with me).
I do the same, although I don't want to pass them anymore. Why to break their hearts :)
(In all the honesty, they always win the downhill races with me).
Well I haven't had my Creo long enough to have passing encounters too much...but I would! Why? Because anything that makes me try harder is generally good. Thats why I try to make more traffic lights...go longer distances...find more hills to climb...etc etc...its all about cardio and fun.

Truthfully I would keep pace for a while and only pass when I had enough...😄 And when I pass someone...they stay passed! 🤨😉😂
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My wife and I have been riding ebikes for over 3 years now. We are both in our late 60’s. When I was in my late 50‘s I rode weekly with a group of younger, mostly 20 to 30 years younger, riders, several of whom rode the RAAM a couple of times during those years (They didn’t invite the old slow guy to ride the RAAM, but the hours of training it took wasn’t possible for me anyways, so riding weekly with them was good for me. During riding season I would ride about 100 miles per week and average about 3,000 miles per year which was less than the RAAM guys but more than when I was a weekend warrior. One thing that was a bummer is my wife, who enjoyed cycling, wouldn't ride with that group, as the fast pace lines and longer distances were intimidating to her. That group disbanded and I wasn’t riding as much, maybe 1,500 to 2,000 miles per year, but my wife started riding more with me. When we turned 65 ebikes were improving and caught our fancy. I got a Trek Super Commuter +7 and my wife got an Electra Townie Commute 8i. Then in 2020, early in the pandemic we were riding a lot more so we got the sportier 2020 Specialized Turbo Vado’s, mine is a 4 and hers is a 5. I rode 3,000 miles the first year and my wife rode 2,000, and her riding skills have greatly improved. I know those miles aren’t setting records, but as we approach 70, we are glad to be riding as much, and as far as we do. The ebikes allow us to ride farther and ride together. We do occasionally have some insecure roadie shout “Cheater”, and my quick response is to shout back “Cheating Death.” This happens less and less as more ebikes are on the trail, but every so often some jerk has to spout off. I don’t let it ruin my day, I am a 68 year old type 1 diabetic, and we are still out riding and we will continue to do so, so long as God sustains us. One thing I’ve noticed, those guys yelling “Cheater”, aren’t riding with their wives!
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Isn't it hypocrisy when we are critical of those who call e-bikers cheaters when we have the same form of prejudice within our own ranks? Although the term "cheater" isn't used, aren't we doing the same thing when the class 1 sub group casts dispersion on the class 2 & 3 riders?
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Isn't it hypocrisy when are critical of those who call e-bikers cheaters when we have the same form of prejudice within our own ranks? Although the term "cheater" isn't used, aren't we doing the same thing when the class 1 sub group casts dispersion on the class 2 & 3 riders?
I haven't seen that here...
One guy called us cheaters and was bragging how much his "One level under S Works bike cost" and said "Maybe he'll get an ebike when he's much older and needs it". Meanwhile him and his wife wernt riding bikes that day but fully powered luxury quads...plus with his giant beer gut hanging he saw no irony casting aspersions which was rich 😳😆
Do a search on "throttle" and read some of the posts.
I will draw the line at throttles -- it turns it into a low-powered motorcycle. There was one on the e-bikes that we rented a few years ago and, although using the throttle was fun to try out, it changed the entire character of the riding experience for me. I think that the main reason it was put into the classification system was as an allowance for people who are physically disabled in some way -- an A.D.A. issue in other words. (Americans with Disabilities Act for those of you not from here.)
I like finding roadies to keep pace with...or pass...cuz I cheat
I only enjoy passing people on bikes that don't peddle or ghost peddle. the less assist. the better uphill even more on our tandem is a real challenge. I have seen roadies doing more then 25mph hell I have trouble doing that on my ebike.
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We have just been hearing them wrong.

We have just been hearing them wrong.

Not so fast! That is, I don´t generally ride any faster than I ever did...., but a lot farther for the same effort.
They´re just angry for having to work so hard to get half as far. I´m a beat-up old man; that really bugs
the hell outa them when passed. I´ve been chased for miles before they disappear behind me.😝
Not so fast! That is, I don´t generally ride any faster than I ever did...., but a lot farther for the same effort.
They´re just angry for having to work so hard to get half as far. I´m a beat-up old man; that really bugs
the hell outa them when passed. I´ve been chased for miles before they disappear behind me.😝
I’ve never had a negative comment from the roadies on the paths I use, I typically find they like to draft me and are pretty polite about it, if we all stop at one of the rest points they usually thank me for breaking the headwind and allowing them to draft, and several have made a point of saying that I forced them to push harder because being behind me they didn’t have to struggle as much.

typically this is when we are on the electric tandem, and we are just cruising, but cruising on the tandem is 19-20mph.

Personally I don’t mind if they draft me/us, as long as they aren’t riding I inches from our rear tire.
One is still exotic with an assist drive ebike like SL. So I'm always expecting ebikers with normal big drives/motors yelling "Cheater!", when I pass them with the Creo.... ;-)
It did not happen so far, but I will notify here if so... ;-)