Ebike withdrawal due to poor air quality (wildfire smoke)

Sorry to hear...not a good time to be breathing. Hope it's over soon. Only drove past one fire in AZ. That was enough.

The smoke from those fires is visible here in WNY day and night.
We are experiencing the absolute worst air quality that has ever been recorded in B.C. history.
It's horrifying.
I have also seen a Throw Rocks at The Smoke And Make It Go Away campaign. Then there is a Send It Back program. You are supposed to put fans outside and point them north to send the smoke back to Canada.

Hey, we are stuck so we might as well laugh, and then cough. :)
I didn't do it!!!:(
Sucking down two packs of cigarettes every day will shorten your life. A few days of this wood smoke is not going to alter your longevity.

Go for a ride while the warm weather is here. Very soon, the rain and dark days will be back.
Sucking down two packs of cigarettes every day will shorten your life. A few days of this wood smoke is not going to alter your longevity.

Go for a ride while the warm weather is here. Very soon, the rain and dark days will be back.
I hear ya buddy, but when everybody is telling you NOT to do it (mostly kids and elders... I'm 61), I'm going the cautious route this time.
Not sure where you're from, but this stuff is nasty!
Taken this morning.

eerily similar isn't it though


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I hear ya buddy, but when everybody is telling you NOT to do it (mostly kids and elders... I'm 61), I'm going the cautious route this time.
Not sure where you're from, but this stuff is nasty!

I'm in the Seattle area, and older than you. Toughen up, youngster. :) Get some Qvar if you're having sensitivities.
Its been rough in Portland too. Air quality is running between unhealthy to very unhealthy but the news said that it should start to clear up this week. The smoke has causes such headache and tiredness. I did try to get out for a ride this morning but it wasnt pleasant. Everything was hazy and dark.
I'm not trying to go too much off topic, but everything is made in China. But that comes with its price.

China is dealing with all the chemical pollution from the factories..

Good luck riding your ebike without mask o_O...

Today's AQI in Beijing -- 89
Today's AQI in Twisp, WA -- 352

'nuff said.
We are at 180 this morning, but I cannot stand having the house closed up and have a couple windows open. What I have found about smoke is that on day one, I'll get a headache. Then it's like I get used to it and no more headache.

Since I have a cold right now, with a runny nose, a mask is not going to work.
Chunky air, yes, that is the sun in the photo:


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The PM 2.5 goes through a mask, alas. Also, bandannas are useless. One needs a custom-fitted mask also to eliminate gaps. The best thing is an indoor air purifier combined with AC with the outdoor air intake closed. I have just the air purifier and a ceiling fan, but it helps!!! Our bikes are patiently waiting!!
Stay away...wood smoke is particularly toxic. It'll be done soon.

Give that bike a good going over...when fisherfolk can't go to sea, they mend their nets.
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Well you folks in the Seattle area are breathing easier today. Enjoy it.