Ebike that is good with a Burley trailer attached.


New Member
Locally the electric bikes that I can find to be serviced around here are Benno, Gazelle, Batch, and Aventon. We have 3 grandchildren and under we want to take with us in two Burley trailers but of course will not always have them. What bike models would you recommend to us to help us almost 60 year olds carry the weight of the children and trailer up some moderate hills? Thanks. We are new to e-bikes and want an upright ride more for exercise and fun. We won't be speeding around with them but may also want some accessories to ride to the grocery store. Would like it easy to operate, comfortable and low maintenance. Thanks for your help.
Thank you for letting me know that. I will mark it off the list. I know I have more research to do. I have never heard of all the different e-bikes so any help is appreciated. Been reading and looking at reviews for the past week.
You said you want something easy to operate and want to be hauling around a trailer.

Aventon has to go, it's a hub drive (not the best thing for hauling a trailer, especially going uphill) and not easy to operate (Go on Aventon forum, people have been complaining sudden acceleration even on level 1)

This is not to say Aventon is a bad bike (no bike is perfect), it's a great bike for the price.. but since you can afford other expensive bikes, I wouldn't put that as a first choice.
Please educate me as to why hub drive bikes aren't good with a trailer. My new bike is hub drive and I plan on occasionally using my small pet trailer with my 12lb dog in it. Thanks for your advice and information.
Please educate me as to why hub drive bikes aren't good with a trailer. My new bike is hub drive and I plan on occasionally using my small pet trailer with my 12lb dog in it. Thanks for your advice and information.
Hub drives are fine with a trailer. They don’t do well if you need to climb steep or sustained hills though. Hub drives don’t leverage rear gearing so they’ll work less efficiently and may go into thermal protection mode where it limits power or cuts it off entirely if the load is too much. Middrives are much more efficient and can leverage rear gearing. They can climb all day.