Eat my words.


Well-Known Member
Well "YAMEE" redeemed their group in my eyes, they finally sent the replacement controller and if looks are any indication, this seems to be a premium unit, thanks "Yamee' you didn't try to make money off my misfortune-Kevin( I did give them"what for" on the contact page- still a nice looking bike, rides great and stops on a dime)
Thanks Tom. I thought it might be someone's nickname for Yamaha.

I find it irksome when someone refers to an unknown brand in quotes like we are supposed to recognize it, about an unknown bike, for which there is no brand subforum and to which no one else has referred in any post and they don't bother to post a link for people to follow. To me, that seems like it would be a basic courtesy.

I guess I have become a cranky, impatient old fart.
Agreed. It would be much easier to help sort an issues without having to research the details. Lately I’ve been just blowing off responses when an OP doesn’t provide information and seem to expect the forum to do their footwork!
See my sig.
Yeah me too. I am amazed how many people don't even bother using the search function when it is at the very top of every page and so easy to use. This forum has been around for quite some time now and there is a wealth of good information easily accessed, just waiting for a quick search without asking contributions to take time and type their answers again and again.
I am amazed how many people don't even bother using the search function
I get at least one support call/email every day that could have been answered with a simply phrased Google search.
Thanks Tom. I thought it might be someone's nickname for Yamaha.

I find it irksome when someone refers to an unknown brand in quotes like we are supposed to recognize it, about an unknown bike, for which there is no brand subforum and to which no one else has referred in any post and they don't bother to post a link for people to follow. To me, that seems like it would be a basic courtesy.

I guess I have become a cranky, impatient old fart.
You are awful easy to offend, the thing is I would like to give people a'oneup" without necessarily affecting a certain groups business.
And I believe that is the real courtesy.
You are awful easy to offend, the thing is I would like to give people a'oneup" without necessarily affecting a certain groups business.
And I believe that is the real courtesy.
I am not the least bit offended. I was asking for the courtesy of clear communication for the benefit of frequent participants in this forum.

I get it now. You were just using this forum to assuage your conscience for publicly blasting the obscure startup business, you got your bike from, not looking for comment, suggestions or understanding from this community.
I am not the least bit offended. I was asking for the courtesy of clear communication for the benefit of frequent participants in this forum.

I get it now. You were just using this forum to assuage your conscience for publicly blasting the obscure startup business, you got your bike from, not looking for comment, suggestions or understanding from this community.
Basically, "You put quarters in the jukebox, so you must play the tune" to have credibility and success you must stand behind the product you vend and I can see how this might play out, this is the second supplier who seems to be an "offshoot" I have dealt with. And this business model can work pretty good if they do not just intend to be "fly by night"( let your brother or cousin have a "slice of the pie".)
Unfortunately, all the little construction startups in my area are fought against tooth and nail by the "Big Dogs"( success and greed are not mutually exclusive") I will not say who taught Me that.
There is a comfortable period for response after that some Folks seem to need a little prodding to respond "We buy in good faith".