Easy Motion USA Introduction

Easy Motion USA

New Member
Hey Guys and Gals,

I wanted to spend a moment here introducing myself.
My name is Marc, I am the Technical Service Manager for Easy Motion USA. I was just brought on to
provide and promote after sales support and customer service for these awesome machines. Unfortunately, I'm one of the few coming from the traditional cycling world who has a positive view of E-Bikes. Many of us have a negative view of these technological wonders. I am of the philosophy that promotes the well being our people, our planet and most importantly our peace. E-bikes have the potential to do a profound amount of good for our planet by decreasing oil demand, increasing health and bettering our existence. Hopefully one we can all maintain this perspective.

Enough of this deep stuff!
What makes you stoked on these bikes?

Please take this introduction as an invitation to speak your mind about our E-Bikes. Ask away!
I'm glad to be part of this community and look forward to serving you in the future.


Marc L Johnson
BH/Easy Motion USA
[email protected]
Toll Free: 866-752-4872
Phone: 949-206-8151
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hi Mark, welcome aboard.

Most eBike buyers share a common concern.. Local support for whatever Ebike they buy.

What is Easy Motion's plan for regional or local support? Where and when?

My best to you for a long and successful career with Easy Motion.
Hey Guys and Gals,

I wanted to spend a moment here introducing myself.
My name is Marc, I am the Technical Service Manager for Easy Motion USA. I was just brought on to
provide and promote after sales support and customer service for these awesome machines. Unfortunately, I'm one of the few coming from the traditional cycling world who has a positive view of E-Bikes. Many of us have a negative view of these technological wonders. I am of the philosophy that promotes the well being our people, our planet and most importantly our peace. E-bikes have the potential to do a profound amount of good for our planet by decreasing oil demand, increasing health and bettering our existence. Hopefully one we can all maintain this perspective.

Enough of this deep stuff!
What makes you stoked on these bikes?

Phone: 949-206-8151

Welcome to the forum, Marc.
This is a thriving BH community here.

I truly enjoy my jumper but I have been wanting to experience Neo Nitro. When BMC can sell Stromer platinum, specialized can sell turbo, all of which can go 28mph, why is BH so conservative with Neo Nitro's presence in the states.
When do you think 2015 EVO line up arrives here in the states?
There is a lot of support for Neo bikes here on this site. I have the Carbon and love it. the 2015 lineup looks great, but Like Ravi says, we would love to see the Nitro here in the states. A 500 w, 28mph neo bike with lights and a rack is my dream bike. Keep up the good work especially with maintaining after sale support!
Great to have you here.
Hopefully many of us here can act as ambassadors for e-bikes.
After a few people try my Jumper they realize they had misconceptions.

I'd love Emotion to fine tune the boost system. I understand Stromer has 10 levels. Most of the time on my 2014 Jumper, Eco mode is higher than I need. I likely could use at least 2 or 3 levels below Eco.
I'm new to E-bikes and the forum. I've spent every other day for the past month on my new Neo Xtreme (thanks for the deal Chris!) and I have to say it is a dream come true! It has exceeded all my expectations and I look forward to enjoying thousands of miles of commuting and off-roading on it. Now that I am used to it and understand the various dynamics of e-biking, I have to say that this bike was nearly perfect and required zero adjustments (did move the seat forward and leveled the tilt). At first I thought it was overpowered and I was wasting precious juice. Now I understand the incredible engineering that went into this machine to make it safe, zippy, and efficient. If I had to change one thing it would be to have a sub eco mode for a little better workout and longer battery life. I sometimes find myself switching to standard mode just to eliminate the feel of the motor cutting in and out rather than for extra power. That said, I am able to do a 20 mile round trip commute with about 5 miles of power left over in eco/standard modes on almost level ground and a lot of accelerating from stops. On weekends I hit the trails and though mileage is a bit less, I am still good for up to two hours of fun in the saddle. Although the front tends to lift when climbing a steep grade and pedaling hard, there is no tendency for the rear wheel to lift when braking hard. Therefore the rear motor is just fine and makes the machine very safe for all types of riding. The top speed is just right too. Everything that happens on this E-bike is within the envelope of an un-powered bike, you just get to do it faster and with less effort.

I have a lot more to say about E-biking in general, which is a HUGE sleeping giant. For now I will just provide some observations. Every day on the streets of Manhattan I am seeing MANY brand new ARROW/MBC delivery bikes. Also have seen and spoke with two non-delivery people with them (one three yrs old, one new, both middle aged dudes). Its rare to see non-delivery e-bikes here, but two of the approximate 10 I have seen in a month were old guys bringing light fishing gear to the shore.

After my 10 mile - 45 minute ride (was 65 minutes) - I feel energized but not worn out. Sweaty yes, but not like before. Now I can enjoy the ride when its 80-85F and humid instead of just skipping it. And my knees, though perfectly healthy, would sometimes start to hurt if overexerted. Never feel that now.

Before I tried a friend's Arrow, I did not understand the benefit of E-bikes, though I biked all my life. A single day of riding on rolling country roads convinced me to immediately go out and buy my own E-bike. My dealer let my try several different bikes in the moderate price range, but saved the Neo Xtreme for last. I immediately recognized its solid build and engineering. Now I see that so many of the things that keep people off of bikes (fear of sweating, being a bit out shape, facing hills, inability to keep up with urban traffic) are solved by the E-bike.

When we choose to ride an elevator instead of walking up stairs, nobody questions it. When we use a huge variety of appliances to do things quicker and smarter we rarely give it the slightest thought. Soon this will be true of E-bikes as well and its so exciting to be ahead of the trend for a change.
Great to have you here.
Hopefully many of us here can act as ambassadors for e-bikes.
After a few people try my Jumper they realize they had misconceptions.

I'd love Emotion to fine tune the boost system. I understand Stromer has 10 levels. Most of the time on my 2014 Jumper, Eco mode is higher than I need. I likely could use at least 2 or 3 levels below Eco.
If you have a smart phone you'll have the ability to adjust the assist level incrementally, or adjust it based on terrain or your heart rate. The app is out now, but the Bluetooth dongle will be available this fall. We have been testing one out and I plan to create a post sharing the details after show season is over.
I'm new to E-bikes and the forum. I've spent every other day for the past month on my new Neo Xtreme (thanks for the deal Chris!) and I have to say it is a dream come true! It has exceeded all my expectations and I look forward to enjoying thousands of miles of commuting and off-roading on it. Now that I am used to it and understand the various dynamics of e-biking, I have to say that this bike was nearly perfect and required zero adjustments (did move the seat forward and leveled the tilt). At first I thought it was overpowered and I was wasting precious juice. Now I understand the incredible engineering that went into this machine to make it safe, zippy, and efficient. If I had to change one thing it would be to have a sub eco mode for a little better workout and longer battery life. I sometimes find myself switching to standard mode just to eliminate the feel of the motor cutting in and out rather than for extra power. That said, I am able to do a 20 mile round trip commute with about 5 miles of power left over in eco/standard modes on almost level ground and a lot of accelerating from stops. On weekends I hit the trails and though mileage is a bit less, I am still good for up to two hours of fun in the saddle. Although the front tends to lift when climbing a steep grade and pedaling hard, there is no tendency for the rear wheel to lift when braking hard. Therefore the rear motor is just fine and makes the machine very safe for all types of riding. The top speed is just right too. Everything that happens on this E-bike is within the envelope of an un-powered bike, you just get to do it faster and with less effort.

I have a lot more to say about E-biking in general, which is a HUGE sleeping giant. For now I will just provide some observations. Every day on the streets of Manhattan I am seeing MANY brand new ARROW/MBC delivery bikes. Also have seen and spoke with two non-delivery people with them (one three yrs old, one new, both middle aged dudes). Its rare to see non-delivery e-bikes here, but two of the approximate 10 I have seen in a month were old guys bringing light fishing gear to the shore.

After my 10 mile - 45 minute ride (was 65 minutes) - I feel energized but not worn out. Sweaty yes, but not like before. Now I can enjoy the ride when its 80-85F and humid instead of just skipping it. And my knees, though perfectly healthy, would sometimes start to hurt if overexerted. Never feel that now.

Before I tried a friend's Arrow, I did not understand the benefit of E-bikes, though I biked all my life. A single day of riding on rolling country roads convinced me to immediately go out and buy my own E-bike. My dealer let my try several different bikes in the moderate price range, but saved the Neo Xtreme for last. I immediately recognized its solid build and engineering. Now I see that so many of the things that keep people off of bikes (fear of sweating, being a bit out shape, facing hills, inability to keep up with urban traffic) are solved by the E-bike.

When we choose to ride an elevator instead of walking up stairs, nobody questions it. When we use a huge variety of appliances to do things quicker and smarter we rarely give it the slightest thought. Soon this will be true of E-bikes as well and its so exciting to be ahead of the trend for a change.
Awesome post! So glad you have been enjoying the bike. As noted above you'll soon be able to knock the assist level down to your liking with the app. Also, btw we might be moving out your way in the spring so hopefully we'll get to catch up :) feel free to reach out if you need anything.
Welcome to the forum, Marc.
This is a thriving BH community here.

I truly enjoy my jumper but I have been wanting to experience Neo Nitro. When BMC can sell Stromer platinum, specialized can sell turbo, all of which can go 28mph, why is BH so conservative with Neo Nitro's presence in the states.
When do you think 2015 EVO line up arrives here in the states?

Good news, you will able to enjoy the NEO Nitro bikes when they become available here in the US when we deliver the 2015 line... target date, the first week of October. Why have we waited, there's a good reason. Why are we so conservative? Well, we are an over 100 year old family owned company that makes arguably some of the best traditional and electric bikes on the market. We would like to continue doing that for another 100 and felt last year that the liability was too great for us to put 28mph bikes on the streets in the US for 2014. Also, the laws (and interpretations) governing 20+ mph bikes was unclear. That is in the process of changing and we felt comfortable now to offer our new Nitro bikes to the US market.

In Europe, high speed pedelecs (28mph ebikes) require license, registration, and insurance as they have a different classification. I have ridden all of the 28mph bikes you have mentioned and more, race traditional bikes, and can handle a 28mph ebike pretty well. The big problem is less so the operator but that motorists do not expect you to be going that fast in the bike lane, so the likelyhood of accidents does increase. I have spoken to a number of folks that own 28mph+ bikes and this is their greatest concern.

Anyway, our dealers will be able to see the new Nitro bikes and place their orders at the Interbike trade show that runs from Sept. 10th to the 12th and order these bikes for delivery by early October. For those who want one I would order them soon as we expect they will sell through pretty quickly. With a 500w 48v geared motor, expect these bikes to lead the class in performance!
Good news, you will able to enjoy the NEO Nitro bikes when they become available here in the US when we deliver the 2015 line... target date, the first week of October. Why have we waited, there's a good reason. Why are we so conservative? Well, we are an over 100 year old family owned company that makes arguably some of the best traditional and electric bikes on the market. We would like to continue doing that for another 100 and felt last year that the liability was too great for us to put 28mph bikes on the streets in the US for 2014. Also, the laws (and interpretations) governing 20+ mph bikes was unclear. That is in the process of changing and we felt comfortable now to offer our new Nitro bikes to the US market.

In Europe, high speed pedelecs (28mph ebikes) require license, registration, and insurance as they have a different classification. I have ridden all of the 28mph bikes you have mentioned and more, race traditional bikes, and can handle a 28mph ebike pretty well. The big problem is less so the operator but that motorists do not expect you to be going that fast in the bike lane, so the likelyhood of accidents does increase. I have spoken to a number of folks that own 28mph+ bikes and this is their greatest concern.

Anyway, our dealers will be able to see the new Nitro bikes and place their orders at the Interbike trade show that runs from Sept. 10th to the 12th and order these bikes for delivery by early October. For those who want one I would order them soon as we expect they will sell through pretty quickly. With a 500w 48v geared motor, expect these bikes to lead the class in performance!
Do you think we can order new wheel with larger motor as an upgrade for 2014 models??
Thats a good news. From the flyer, it looks like Neo and Nitro are two series. The jumper(Evo) is listed as coming with 650B and 29" variant. Are they going to have the same 48v battery and 500w motor combo?
Do you think we can order new wheel with larger motor as an upgrade for 2014 models??
86, Sorry, the Nitro motors will not work with the earlier NEO models. Sijin, the new NEO Nitro's are in a category by themselves, rather than two separate lines, and only share the battery form factor with earlier NEO bikes. The new EVO series, which includes the 650B, 29er, 650B Jumper, etc. will still come with the same 350w geared motors and 36v systems, this year though the new EVO's will have 12ah batteries on all but the EVO Eco Lite, which goes forward unchanged with a 9ah battery.
Yes, it is my understanding that it will have a throttle.

Great news, Nate!!

I'm looking forward to this specific model.
Neo Nitro City seems to be the most complete package for commuting purpose. Any planned 12Ah battery upgrades?
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