Easy motion motor maintenance


New Member
hi folks, i bought my easy motion street used. ive put about 300 miles on it, and now the motor seems a little noisy. i am wondering if the motor requires any lubrication or maintenance? im not a fan of the whining and screeching my motor is making at the moment...
It's little hard to guess without hearing what it is. geared motors make whining noise while going uphill but if you can post a quick video of the motor w/noise, may be it will help troubleshoot. I have 980 miles on mine and there is no difference in sound level.

Also, John at Easy Motion is the tech guy and he can be reached at [email protected]
thanks for the reply. yes it whines really loudly when i go uphill. i'll try to make a video. to me it sounds like it could use some lube, but i really dont know. thanks for the email contact
I'm now on my third motor, the first suffered the dreaded bearing noise and failure, the second drowned, and the third is currently fine.

Besides the bearing failure, all three motors have been almost inaudible.

I'd say take it back to your dealer and get them to check it under warranty.
did you post that video of the motor sound? mine sounds like that. i will record it tomorrow on a steep hill.
I did, then removed it as the clarity didn't seem that great.

Oddly I can't remember the noise that my motor made when the bearing failed. I seem to recall thinking at the time that the noise was from somewhere in the front fork area. You would think that I'd remember something like that. :(
here is a link to a little recording of the motor i made. its very short, but the last 5 seconds you can hear the noise im concerned with:

Sounds like gears are worn out..!!
Time to change the rear hub wheel and I think most dealers can get one for you [$350]..
exactly ravi, i was referring to your first post. you claimed the gears were fried, but i have my doubts. thanks for the input nonetheless. i have a local dealer i can check with.
We have two Neo's and they make very little noise.
Hub motors are inexpensive and any good dealer should be able to troubleshoot the motor for you.
We have two Neo's and they make very little noise.
Hub motors are inexpensive and any good dealer should be able to troubleshoot the motor for you.
Thanks for all of your help around here Ravi, it makes a huge difference and I feel like I learn something every time I read your posts :)
I'm now on my third motor, the first suffered the dreaded bearing noise and failure, the second drowned, and the third is currently fine.

Besides the bearing failure, all three motors have been almost inaudible.

I'd say take it back to your dealer and get them to check it under warranty.


Could you elaborate on the "drowned" motor. I'm starting to do some more stream crossings, which sometimes have been deeper than I expected. I doubt I submerged the motor as I was mostly just getting my feet below water level at the 6 O'Clock position.

I hope to benefit from your advice and experience.

Hi Mike,

Supposedly most of my issues came from my washing the bike rather than the flood water etc that I rode through. The reason for me saying this, is that the cycle shop owner said that when he opened things up, the water that was inside was crystal clear, rather than being dull and perhaps gritty looking. I'm still not 100% of this myself, but I sadly wasn't there when the motor was opened.

I haven't changed my riding habits, other than I now keep the speed right down when crossing water, and also lean the bike right onto it side when washing down, using the hose on the underside rather than above, and keep the water away from the hub.

Just take things easy and realistic, and I sure that you will be fine. :)
Thanks for the advice.
Is it best to lean the bike down on the right side?
Do you wash with the battery in or out?

Mtnm - I think most bikes with a traditional drive train, including e-bikes, should not be left on it's right side, as it is very easy to bend the derailleur hanger or cause other drive train issues.
Good point Marc.
We are talking about cleaning the bike so water doesn't get in the motor.
Always good to protect the derailleurs though.

Good point Marc.
We are talking about cleaning the bike so water doesn't get in the motor.
Always good to protect the derailleurs though.

Yeah, I'm curious what @EddieJ meant about laying the bike down on its side as well? I don't have an Easy Motion ebike in front of me but it seems like the point where the axle enters the hub would be vulnerable. I'm careful about washing my bikes with direct water (tend to use a damp rag and non-toxic cleaners) but then again I don't get as dirty as Eddie does...