E3 Dash...test riders?

Court, No assembly necessary. I decided to forego the brief online deal on the Dash and in this case pay a $500 premium with the tax savings to do my part to support my LBS

A few weeks ago I brought in a bike with an old Shimano auto transmission. He worked on the bike for a hour but it was done. He set it in a middle gear so I could at least ride it. How much do I owe you, I said: "nothing! I didn't fix it did I?" "I can't charge you for what I didn't do" Was his response. There is an REI store 50 miles away and even though I bought the bike from them years ago , they wanted $85 per hour to look at the bike.

No way I can buy the new Dash online to save a few bucks. I am lucky to have a Currie shop on the Island. I want to do my part to keep him there:). I believe in supporting local business when I can and he has bent over backwards working with the guys at Currie to make some bikes available to ride. What's right is right. Right ?
That's an awesome story Ralph! It really can pay off in so many ways to work with a local shop (this coming from an intranet geek). What's your shop called? Maybe you can include a link to them in your response to help Google and other people find them ;)
Well, two weeks have passed and still since I was told my bike had shipped yet still no E3 Dash. LBS says it is in transit. Makes me long for Amazon Prime!
Hang in there! Based on some of the comments I saw from Larry it sounded like they were shipping around the 27th of February (which is later than initially planned). Maybe that's impacting the delivery of yours even if it says shipped? Who knows, hopefully it just arrives in great shape, excited to hear how it works for you :)
Justin, Have you gotten your bike yet? Carrier says my Dash will be out for delivery to my LBS today. So maybe tomorrow when rain is forecast, but 70's for the weekend so looking forward to it.
Interesting thing about the bike computer on the DASH. The pedal assist has four levels. In each of the four levels plus throttle, the computer will give you a range.
  • Level 1 46 miles
  • Level 2 36 miles
  • Level 3 27 miles
  • Level 4 18 miles
  • Throttle 16 miles
izip-e3-dash-estimated-range-assist-level-1.jpg izip-e3-dash-estimated-range-assist-level-2.jpg izip-e3-dash-estimated-range-assist-level-3.jpg izip-e3-dash-estimated-range-assist-level-4.jpg izip-e3-dash-estimated-range-throttle.jpg

I imagine this changes real time as you consume the battery, but interesting that the software is that sophisticated. Helps you manage for your return trip.

izip-e3-dash-on-car-rack.jpg izip-e3-dash-button-console.jpg
That's awesome, didn't realize it did range calculation. I've seen this on the Bosch drive system and it's pretty handy. Ralph, if you get the chance to take a picture I'd love to see this display! If you need help posting just let me know or you could email it to me :)

[edit] I've posted the images you sent as part of your original post above. Thanks Ralph! Great looking bike, appreciate the feedback on performance.
Awesome Ralph…plz keep me posted. I have not heard anything from my dealer. I did speak with currie today and they said it should be in the US any day. It has to go thro their in house QC and then they will be shipped out. Hoping to get mine next week.