E Prodigy Magic Pro

Jerry LM

Active Member
Tried the brand forum and no response so thought I'd ask here, does anyone know if the Pro can be unlocked to exceed the 20mph? Bike seems to have a bunch of torque and belt drive which seems a winner but can't find much in the way of info on this bike other than Court's review and he doesn't do much of a ride or any hills. Anyone out there own one? Thanks
Hey Jerry! Sorry I can't be much help -- have you tried contacting eProdigy or a dealer? Hopefully someone else will jump in and be able to help you out.
Yes I wrote Prodigy and local dealer to no avail. I do know where there is one at a dealer though so will need to go and look in person. Thanks, Jerry
I have a Magic and looking at it, it probably can be, as the bike is fairly modular. I was on the fence with the base magic or the pro but I really wanted white. I was told that every part of the bike is upgradable
Hi, thank's for the reply, how do you like it so far? did you end up getting the pro or std? I have not gotten a response from the co. for an answer yet which is a little concerning to me, but may have gotten lost will try again.
I have always gotten great response from them. If fact, the shipping and their willingness to make me happy has been some of the best customer services I have ever received. I received my bike from Canada in 6 days.

Try calling them

1-888-928-9328 ext. 1 for sales and 2 for support

[email protected]

I was really on the fence but in the end, I went with the std because of color. I upgraded the battery, fenders and LCD. EProdigy said that anytime down the track, I can always change out the chain for the belt drive. Part of me really wanted the belt drive and honestly, after the upgrades, another 600, I could have had it all. However, the shifting is smooth of this bike. It has plenty of power for me.

The only thing negative I will say is that the seat and post are terrible. The seat just killed by tailbone and was not able to sit for a couple of weeks and the post was too high. Switched them both out for a seat catered to women and a suspension post and now, all is good in the world. I really like my bike and for the price, I got pretty much everything I wanted.
Sounds like you have it right, I know what you mean about the seats, some are painful. I really want to get the belt drive as it has such a longer life span as compared to chain. I also want more than 20mph, I know Court always turns them down in the reviews, but there are no bike police I've ever seen especially living in a remote area....great to hear you like the bike, still on my short list......Jerry
If you wish to jeopardize the warranty, and potentially re-classify the vehicle into a different category (depends on the laws you reside in) it is possible to do so by increasing the top speed, yes.