Do you wear cologne when you ride?


Well-Known Member
Many road bikers wear cologne when they ride. I can smell it when they are across the street from me. Seems like this would be a “nice” way to mess with other riders. Make them choke so you get the edge. Why else would you wear cologne when you ride? These are guys dressed like Power Rangers, so probably not heading to meet a date or client. Some of these guys look like they just showered, but maybe that’s just sweat or cologne.
Cologne makes me sneeze.
I use dilute original Palmolive dish soap to bathe because I do not want to smell like a blueberry, or strawberry, or watermelon, or any other of the 15 food choices body detergent comes in.
On hot days, after a long ride my natural odor is rootabega. Same as my father. They sell the fruit in summer at hardware stores in Appalachia.
One advantage of being post retirement age, odorferous bacteria does not grow on my skin anymore.
Just normal underarm deo and chap stick only before a ride. I don't use sun block because I wear UV clothing, gloves, helmet, eyewear, and bike shorts or spandex (to knees when warm/hot, full length in cold weather). I never really had a good sniffer for faint smells and it isn't nearly as sensitive compared to my wife's (the old we have to switch hotel rooms because of the off smell type of thing she can only sense).
I use dilute original Palmolive dish soap to bathe because I do not want to smell like a blueberry, or strawberry, or watermelon, or any other of the 15 food choices body detergent comes in.

I used to put dish detergent in a Visene bottle to take camping.
It would last a week as my only detergent for washing everything including me.

I use Dawn now, so I smell like a baby duck 🦆 and ducks aren't a food group until they're full grown. 😂
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I use dilute original Palmolive dish soap.

I remember Madge,..

I've never met a roadie who wore cologne while riding, though it may be regional. I know the section of MUP where I used to live had a lot of walkers who wore it. Sometimes you could smell the dude walking down the trail ahead of you for a few minutes before you actually caught him. Some of those heavy colognes... linger...

Personally I just toss some deodorant on before riding. I always shower when I'm back home anyway.
Nothing but the best for me, Old Spice Muskoxen. Go big or go home right? Actually no, I don’t wear any.
I don't, but my brother does. I always make sure he's behind me on the trail. Insects seem to love the stuff he wears, and are drawn to him when we stop. There are some advantages, since I don't have to use bug repellent. :)
Many road bikers wear cologne when they ride. I can smell it when they are across the street from me. Seems like this would be a “nice” way to mess with other riders. Make them choke so you get the edge. Why else would you wear cologne when you ride? These are guys dressed like Power Rangers, so probably not heading to meet a date or client. Some of these guys look like they just showered, but maybe that’s just sweat or cologne.
I can honestly say I've never smelled perfume or cologne on a ride and when I ride, I am on bike paths and usually around other riders. I don't even wear perfume or after shave on a non riding day! Maybe that's why I cant get a date!
Well, I really take care of my looks (and the smell) when I set off for a group ride. Yes, I wear cologne on group rides.