Do you wear a mask when you ride?

I don't wear a mask when biking (or outdoors for that matter) unless I'll be in the proximity of others for more than the time it takes to take a few breaths. Risk factors are indoors and/or extended exposure. So if you're stopped at a light next to someone, sure, wear a mask to do your part to protect others. But riding past someone on a shared use path, no.
When we ride early morning and it's cold... a mask actually helps... but when it gets hotter... no bueno.
The effect of wind severly dissipates virus droplet trails.
Saw a news segment on PBS the other day about moving primary school classes outside, as some cities did in the 1918 epidemic. People can wear clothes and shelter under umbrellas.
Indiana streets aren't as packed as the people on the Champs de Elysie in Paris for example. And Italians visibly glom into packs to socialize outside in their evening strolls. Not a US midwestern custom.
I can't believe city transit systems haven't figured out how to shut off the A/C and take the windows out of the busses. Subways, tunnel is a confined space, no benefit.
Still no public discussion of the electrically charged HEPA filters the airlines use in the airplanes. There have been studies that show virus transmission (ordinary flu, colds) in the planes is lower than in the airport waiting areas. Nobody will talk about solutions, just whine about the problem. Scientists won't comment on anything because studies haven't been done & vetted on THIS virus. It is not that different in transmission IMHO than the common cold coronavirus, just waay more severe in effect on the recipient.
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Nope, though I mostly ride in rural areas with few others on the roads.
I see no reason to mask up when riding. Nor do I in my car with or without people in my bubble.
I have them available though. Must respect business and industry that require it. It only makes sense.
The other day I went to my LBS to grab some tools, and they were mask mandatory. Door locked, knock, they let you in only if you're masked. No problem!
This article on face masks, written by a close personal friend, examines all the medical literature behind the use of face masks.

The results are not what you would expect from the MSM and the government - there is no hard “scientific” evidence behind the use of surgical or cloth face masks, and very little regarding n95 masks.
If they knock down most of an infected person's cough etc that's good enough for me.
Forget C-19; With all the goddam smoke I need to wear a mask in bed! His majesty is worse than no help at all. We don´t need
stimulus checks; thereś plenty of work for the unemployed greening arid land & the infrastructure they been having a plan to
make a plan for the last 3 1/2 years. It´s time to get out hands dirty, people! Feed a man a fish, he eats for a day. Teach him to
fish, he eats for life!
I wear one every day. Lately I have been keeping it on due to unhealthful air in So Cal, but I still start every morning with it on. On normal days, I drop it down to my neck and not raise it again until I am around people. I guess I have kinda gotten used to wearing a mask. I keep 4 or 5 in my car (which I dont drive very much) and a few scattered around the house like I do with my cheater reading glasses...
I don't ride with one, but always have one with me just in case. I do however, try to avoid congested MUP locations, but to be fair, that's not new behavior. I detest crowds that can be avoided - some can't be avoided unfortunately.
I always wear Coopower disposable face masks when riding bike. I can wear them for hours on end without feeling any discomfort whatsoever.
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Like RandallS, I also avoid crowds and carry a mask but rarely wear it while riding. IMO, there is more to fear from a crowded MUP than Covid.