Do you wear a mask when you ride?

There is no "conclusion" in the VARES data--it's simply facts. Perhaps you are drawing your own conclusion from the data. Fine.

The entire point of my original reply to those pushing vaccines on others is that the deaths from the vaccine statistically is way high for some of us to queue up to get the shot.

But go ahead, get the experimental jab. I will not. Maybe being a cancer survivor colors my thought process on this.
What you and yours don't want to, or care to understand is... this is a war... A Word War
And as in history there will be casualties fighting it. But those casualties are far less then what would be if nothing is done.
As the generation that sacrificed and fought WWII is now known as the Greatest Generation... This generation will be known as the Dumbest Self Serving Generation.
I live in the UNITED States of America and I'm not only worried about myself, but my neighbor, his family, my county, state and the rest of the country. And wtf... Maybe even other countries.
Did you know that people have gotten the vaccine still get Covid in many instances?

Also I don't agree with your numbers. The CDC admitted most of those death figures were not primarily due to covid, but from other conditions that combined with covid contributed to their deaths.

Here's a link from MSN:

...and the from CDC report itself, which is linked in the article above:

"Table 3 shows the types of health conditions and contributing causes mentioned in conjunction with deaths involving coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19). For 6% of the deaths, COVID-19 was the only cause mentioned. For deaths with conditions or causes in addition to COVID-19, on average, there were 2.6 additional conditions or causes per death."
Again.. Go to India and Brazil now and tell them that they are not dying from covid.
Let us pretend for a moment that TC isn't a fear mongering whore who will say anything for ratings and a paycheck.
Let's assume he is 100% correct and then we can do some math
With 30% of the population vaccinated we have 3750 deaths. So then with 100% vaccinated we would have 12,750 deaths
Now in less than 1 year we've had 500,000+ deaths from covid with no vaccine. And with no vaccine this number will just keep growing every day.
So now... With your own reasoning, can you tell me which number gives you a greater concern. 500,000+and growing or 12,750.
Then when you factor in that the 12,750 number is not at all actual... Now what are you thinking.
If you are still unsure... Try another "news" source and see what is happening in India and Brazil where they thought political and religious rallies were more important than the vaccine or covid precautions.
Sorry, there is not enuff room in my vivid imagination to pretend TC is not a fear mongering whore. I´ve
pretty much had it with all the bobble head, 3 frame media, left & right!
Sorry, there is not enuff room in my vivid imagination to pretend TC is not a fear mongering whore. I´ve
pretty much had it with all the bobble head, 3 frame media, left & right!
Is there enough room to set aside your bias and consider the facts only?
Did you know that people have gotten the vaccine still get Covid in many instances?

Also I don't agree with your numbers. The CDC admitted most of those death figures were not primarily due to covid, but from other conditions that combined with covid contributed to their deaths.
Did you know that people have gotten the vaccine still get Covid in many instances?

Also I don't agree with your numbers. The CDC admitted most of those death figures were not primarily due to covid, but from other conditions that combined with covid contributed to their deaths.

Here's a link from MSN:

...and the from CDC report itself, which is linked in the article above:

"Table 3 shows the types of health conditions and contributing causes mentioned in conjunction with deaths involving coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19). For 6% of the deaths, COVID-19 was the only cause mentioned. For deaths with conditions or causes in addition to COVID-19, on average, there were 2.6 additional conditions or causes per death."

6% of 500,000 is 30,000. Pretty close to a normal flu season death toll.
Really... When have you seen hospitals overrun during flu season? Then again multiple times in one year?
You are deliberately obtuse and if you and yours die from covid, you are doing Darwin's work and I thank you.
Last edited:
You are

Really... When have you seen hospitals overrun during flu season? Then again multiple times in one year?
You are deliberately obtuse and if you and yours die from covid, you are doing Darwin's work and I thank you.
You do what you will and respect that I will do what I will.

I have refrained from name-calling. You have shown your colors.

It ends there.
Did you know that people have gotten the vaccine still get Covid in many instances?

Also I don't agree with your numbers. The CDC admitted most of those death figures were not primarily due to covid, but from other conditions that combined with covid contributed to their deaths.

Here's a link from MSN:

...and the from CDC report itself, which is linked in the article above:

"Table 3 shows the types of health conditions and contributing causes mentioned in conjunction with deaths involving coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19). For 6% of the deaths, COVID-19 was the only cause mentioned. For deaths with conditions or causes in addition to COVID-19, on average, there were 2.6 additional conditions or causes per death."

6% of 500,000 is 30,000. Pretty close to a normal flu season death toll.
Uhh, ok. Excess deaths in US from all causes then per the CDC:

You have to work really hard to explain away all those deaths as being from quarantine.

Back on topic: on the multi use trail into work there is a definite mask etiquette that has evolved.
When 2 parties approach if one pulls up their mask then so does the other. If you're passing someone in the same direction with a mask on, then you don't have to worry about your mask. If you're approaching someone who has a mask on, just recently it's become acceptable to leave yours down as long as you pass quickly and turn your head away (still more polite to pull your up though).
Uhh, ok. Excess deaths in US from all causes then per the CDC:
View attachment 86978
You have to work really hard to explain away all those deaths as being from quarantine.

Back on topic: on the multi use trail into work there is a definite mask etiquette that has evolved.
When 2 parties approach if one pulls up their mask then so does the other. If you're passing someone in the same direction with a mask on, then you don't have to worry about your mask. If you're approaching someone who has a mask on, just recently it's become acceptable to leave yours down as long as you pass quickly and turn your head away (still more polite to pull your up though).
The baby boomers are getting old, the environment is getting less healthy, & some folks are so stressed
out that they´re killing each other.
This is not a legitimate conclusion. It was take out of context, to feed the audience. FOX new is probably the LEAST reliable new source, although they claim to be only reliable one.

The report is a WIDE NET of unconfirmed reports, non causal reports. It is supposed to be an early warning system, so it casts the widest possible net of reports. Look at the actual report to understand it and not listen to a known propagandist. For instance you can get a shot, and die in a bike accident and make the list. You can get the shot, and die from stage 4 cancer years in the making and make the list.
It's therefore analagous to the reporting of covid fatalities, right? Get hit by a dump truck and they find out after death that you had covid, then covid killed ya. So that's they way the game is played. Totally legit but obviously could mislead one if the crude method is not understood. It's a figure now that we have been forced to accept in order for the making of comparisons.
Can you explain in more detail how the facts were twisted in this case?
Really... When have you seen hospitals overrun during flu season? Then again multiple times in one year?
You are deliberately obtuse and if you and yours die from covid, you are doing Darwin's work and I thank you.
All the time in Toronto before this, beds lining all the hallways since years ago. Then they were EMPTY when covid hit and the health people postponed other things that hospitals do.
Finally in April '21, a year later, ICU's were full but it's going down..
Lots of other facilities in the province.
Now they just laid out a plan that they might begin to put covid patients....


nursing homes.
Get a vaccine, or don't. Nobody cares. At this point anyone who wants one can have one, and it's time to resume normal life. If those who decided the vaccine wasn't for them contract Covid and end up in the hospital, that's their problem.

Personally, I'm glad I got the vaccine. I now have a 99.993% chance of never contracting Covid, and a 0% chance of ending up in the hospital or dying from it if I do contract it. Where I work, the office is filled with anti-mask, anti-vax, virus deniers, and this past week one of them got Covid, and now they all have it, so now the office is closed for two weeks. Most of them are in really poor health, so I won't be surprised if there's a couple of job openings in the coming weeks. I don't wish any of them ill will, but I also have little sympathy for their situation.

It's a strange time we're in right now. I walked into a store in a rural area yesterday, nobody was wearing a mask, and the girl at the counter said "oh, you don't have to wear that thing in here honey", so I took my mask off, because I'm vaccinated and don't have to worry about it, and we all carried on as normal. It was nice.

Get a vaccine, or don't. Nobody cares. At this point anyone who wants one can have one, and it's time to resume normal life. If those who decided the vaccine wasn't for them contract Covid and end up in the hospital, that's their problem.

Personally, I'm glad I got the vaccine. I now have a 99.993% chance of never contracting Covid, and a 0% chance of ending up in the hospital or dying from it if I do contract it. Where I work, the office is filled with anti-mask, anti-vax, virus deniers, and this past week one of them got Covid, and now they all have it, so now the office is closed for two weeks. Most of them are in really poor health, so I won't be surprised if there's a couple of job openings in the coming weeks. I don't wish any of them ill will, but I also have little sympathy for their situation.

It's a strange time we're in right now. I walked into a store in a rural area yesterday, nobody was wearing a mask, and the girl at the counter said "oh, you don't have to wear that thing in here honey", so I took my mask off, because I'm vaccinated and don't have to worry about it, and we all carried on as normal. It was nice.

Nice until they allow a variant to emerge and then we start this s*it all over again.
Sorry but I'm not that forgiving to the selfish or ill conceived freedom fighters.
Nice until they allow a variant to emerge and then we start this s*it all over again.
Sorry but I'm not that forgiving to the selfish or ill conceived freedom fighters.
I am more concerned for earth´s other life forms than mankind. Wild life has declined 68% since 1970.
So much has disappeared from my area in the past 3 decades. Nature seeks balance; man destroys it.
The scales are tipping. I fear something far more devastating than C-19 is on the horizon if we do not
act to restore balance. Today´s generation cannot appreciate what they´ve never known, but I can
remember a much different country as boy. Our liberty has been quietly erroded by material greed.
600,000 deaths amount to .18 of 1% of a total population of 330 million. Sry, but someone needed
to look at this objectively.
Get a vaccine, or don't. Nobody cares. At this point anyone who wants one can have one, and it's time to resume normal life. If those who decided the vaccine wasn't for them contract Covid and end up in the hospital, that's their problem.

Personally, I'm glad I got the vaccine. I now have a 99.993% chance of never contracting Covid, and a 0% chance of ending up in the hospital or dying from it if I do contract it. Where I work, the office is filled with anti-mask, anti-vax, virus deniers, and this past week one of them got Covid, and now they all have it, so now the office is closed for two weeks. Most of them are in really poor health, so I won't be surprised if there's a couple of job openings in the coming weeks. I don't wish any of them ill will, but I also have little sympathy for their situation.

It's a strange time we're in right now. I walked into a store in a rural area yesterday, nobody was wearing a mask, and the girl at the counter said "oh, you don't have to wear that thing in here honey", so I took my mask off, because I'm vaccinated and don't have to worry about it, and we all carried on as normal. It was nice.

Do your Covid denying coworkers still deny Covid now?