Dining out during Covid

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Ok Fair enough . Then how are lockdowns helping . If we aren't exposed our immune systems don't build up a tolerance : Is that what you just said? Isn't that what we were told ? Herd Immunity . ?? Thius the virus would get weaker because of herd immunity . It has less to feed on . That's what you just said . Which is what Science says . So why are we being told differently now ?
I don't know what you mean by the virus getting weaker? If you mean it's killing less people then yes her immunity would make that so but the virus is just as infectious as ever we're just better able to respond. lockdowns are helping because of what I said, her immunity through mass infection means mass death, yes the rest of us who are left over are likely to have some immunity to the virus or at least not get killed by it. and I guess you could just say who cares about the 5 million people who died while reaching that goal if that's how you feel. Again it is simple science the vaccine is designed to give you immunity, and therefore herd immunity, without killing people.
I'm not mad I just find it sort of sad and pathetic. I think people are mad to an extent because people spreading information has caused thousands and thousands of people to die. Some people have lost loved ones to this. All of us have been affected by it. You seem to be arguing against yourself again. You're talking about Walmart's being packed and that's spreading infection yet you seem to be calling for people to open everything up back to normal? Yes they didn't shut everything down they can never shut everything down because people need groceries and prescriptions in order to live. This is why the word essential is used. You need food in your house you don't need to go to the bar, you don't need to eat in a restaurant. Yes we would all like to but it is not necessary. If they had a real shutdown for 4 weeks it would have had a massive difference but so many states resisted for political reasons until the virus was so prevalent and obvious that it was too late. Anyone with even a relatively useful brain would have known that once it was in the country it was going to spread everywhere. waiting to shut down a state until they have a high infection rate is the proverbial closing the barn door after the horses out. we all know it came out in 2019 and that's why it's called covid-19 we understand that whether it was in August or December when it first entered the human race I don't know and maybe we will never know. That is absolutely irrelevant. The reason why you didn't have massive infections in 2019 is because logically it takes a while for a virus to spread around the Earth.
As for grocery store etiquette how long or how virulent the virus remains on the surface is still unknown, it's a relatively new virus, but many people still wipe down their groceries when they bring them home with a disinfectant white. Maybe that helps maybe it doesn't but it doesn't hurt so they do it. anyone would want to do that is beyond me but...., I mean I avoided Walmart before the virus hit. I have been in big box stores like home Depot or Lowe's occasionally although even them I use curbside pickup as much as possible. You pull into a parking lot you text them that you're there and what spot you're in, open your trunk the person comes out with a mask on you hop out of your car with a mask on and tell him to throw it in there you close it and leave. Did a drive-thru pick up at Target the other day where I didn't even have to do that they give you a code on your phone you hold it up to the window and the person comes out and puts it in your trunk. When I have gone in I wear a mask and I stay away from people, if I'm not wearing disposable gloves I sanitize my hands and whatever I bought when I get out to the car.
I didn't spread misinfo : I may have worded it incomplete . But what I said wasn't wrong . The virus does weaken as it spreads into healthy immune systems . It needs to eat correct ? So I didn't give an bad info. Incomplete maybe, but not wrong .
I get the impression you only want to see the points that drive what you want driven.

That's the difference : I want what's actually true . The first of which Worldwide less the 1% have died from COVID . Less the 10% have even been infected . You can't attribute that to shutdowns . Since teh only thing at least in America that was shut down . Seems intentionally directed at the Middle and Lower middle class.
Financially so far I have not been effected by Covid . I know some people that have actually profited . But seriously what point is there shutting down the MOM and POP pharmacy and leaving the Walgreens 1 block down open.
What purpose was there to Go after Churches . Claiming the normal Freedoms don't count . Yet allow casinos to stay open ?
What about The Auto Service Shops . All shut down ?? Dealerships open ??? You can't go to the Gym but you can get your haircut ?

It's not consistent . Granted had there been a total lockdown of everything . But the fact remains there wasn't . Plus essential ?

If you are putting food on the table for 3 kids and a wife and you all of a sudden are deemed non essential . Maybe you'd understand . Which I doubt people riding E-bikes have a clue about . Since they seem to be buying ebikes regularly . So they have money
If you were broke and your business gone because you weren't deemed essential . You'd understand

Loosing you Income didn't matter what politics you have. But it sure as hell matter what class you were in. Look around and see . This was a deliberate attack on Families with Incomes less the 150K that worked with their hands . The common Man and Woman .
I didn't spread misinfo : I may have worded it incomplete . But what I said wasn't wrong . The virus does weaken as it spreads into healthy immune systems . It needs to eat correct ? So I didn't give an bad info. Incomplete maybe, but not wrong .
I get the impression you only want to see the points that drive what you want driven.

That's the difference : I want what's actually true . The first of which Worldwide less the 1% have died from COVID . Less the 10% have even been infected . You can't attribute that to shutdowns . Since teh only thing at least in America that was shut down . Seems intentionally directed at the Middle and Lower middle class.
Financially so far I have not been effected by Covid . I know some people that have actually profited . But seriously what point is there shutting down the MOM and POP pharmacy and leaving the Walgreens 1 block down open.
What purpose was there to Go after Churches . Claiming the normal Freedoms don't count . Yet allow casinos to stay open ?
What about The Auto Service Shops . All shut down ?? Dealerships open ??? You can't go to the Gym but you can get your haircut ?

It's not consistent . Granted had there been a total lockdown of everything . But the fact remains there wasn't . Plus essential ?

If you are putting food on the table for 3 kids and a wife and you all of a sudden are deemed non essential . Maybe you'd understand . Which I doubt people riding E-bikes have a clue about . Since they seem to be buying ebikes regularly . So they have money
If you were broke and your business gone because you weren't deemed essential . You'd understand

Loosing you Income didn't matter what politics you have. But it sure as hell matter what class you were in. Look around and see . This was a deliberate attack on Families with Incomes less the 150K that worked with their hands . The common Man and Woman .
listen I know you're a religious and that's fine, I would not consider a church an essential service to life. I'm proof to that, you could pray to God from home if you want. I had to explain to you why certain things are considered essential? Like people need their cars to get around to places like grocery stores and pharmacies or the hospital or work? There are plenty of people who are alive right now who aren't even Christian and don't go to church There is nobody alive right now who has never eaten food.....Maybe I'm being pedantic but the virus does not get weaker, in other words if it comes across a human host who doesn't have any buildup immunity it is just as strong and virulent as ever. We get stronger, I guess you could say, or are immune systems get stronger and are capable of defeating it. Listen I realize the Republicans for years, even though they favor the wealthy with their policies, have convinced many working Americans that they're on their side through cultural issues like religion and other things because they know there's not enough wealthy people to get them elected. This was not an attack on the so-called common man that is nonsense. Unfortunately the common man today does seem to work at places like Walmart and they have been kept open, the big corporations have been killing the little guy for decades. pharmacies are allowed to stay open, Mom and Pop pharmacies are allowed as well In my neck of the woods there were almost no mom and pop pharmacies left before this virus hit
It sounds like CA gov Newsome is lifting the stay at home order today and will allow outdoor dining and nail salons to reopen, fyi. I'm not a medical expert and I don't play one on the internet- just an old guy with a bad ticker that likes to ride bikes, dine outside and wear my masks in public...
I understand what you are saying . It's just not science minded. The More people that get exposed to Covid the weaker it gets . Like the flu . Just go read what herd immunity is and how it works . Also consider they are Lying to us . Telling us no baby body parts in it is a LIE: Telling us Vaccines create herd immunity. Since when ? Immune systems we all have do . I know why but it's still amazing to watch how the Spirit of Fear has been pushed so much and spread to almost everyone.
no it does not get weaker. in fact we are starting to see it mutate and become stronger.
listen I know you're a religious and that's fine, I would not consider a church an essential service to life. I'm proof to that, you could pray to God from home if you want. I had to explain to you why certain things are considered essential? Like people need their cars to get around to places like grocery stores and pharmacies or the hospital or work? There are plenty of people who are alive right now who aren't even Christian and don't go to church There is nobody alive right now who has never eaten food.....Maybe I'm being pedantic but the virus does not get weaker, in other words if it comes across a human host who doesn't have any buildup immunity it is just as strong and virulent as ever. We get stronger, I guess you could say, or are immune systems get stronger and are capable of defeating it. Listen I realize the Republicans for years, even though they favor the wealthy with their policies, have convinced many working Americans that they're on their side through cultural issues like religion and other things because they know there's not enough wealthy people to get them elected. This was not an attack on the so-called common man that is nonsense. Unfortunately the common man today does seem to work at places like Walmart and they have been kept open, the big corporations have been killing the little guy for decades. pharmacies are allowed to stay open, Mom and Pop pharmacies are allowed as well In my neck of the woods there were almost no mom and pop pharmacies left before this virus hit
no it does not get weaker. in fact we are starting to see it mutate and become stronger.
Really Just last weak Fauci stated in a Press conference that it appears to have peaked. Leveled off . Cases and deaths are decreasing . Mutation doesn't mean stronger . It could or it could mean Benign . They told us it had mutated late July . They said then it could get nasty or they were hoping be benign . THat the later would mean we would see it leveling off then decreasing . Which is exactly what fauci said :
The difference here is you always imply that people like me throw caution to the wind . If you want to live inside and wear a mask everywhere . God Bless Go ahead . But please quit trying to quilt those of us who aren't going to live our short temporary lives here , in fear . Especially over something that is nothing even close to what they told us it would be . How many more months do we need to see they were dead wrong before you admit it .

Our top Health and Human Services Director in Michigan . Appointed by the GOV he served . Just resigned stating the Gov hadn't been following the evidences of Science for some months now . Over lockdowns . That he wasn't going to live knowing her motivations to keep business in lockdown hadn't been founded for quite some time .
It sounds like CA gov Newsome is lifting the stay at home order today and will allow outdoor dining and nail salons to reopen, fyi. I'm not a medical expert and I don't play one on the internet- just an old guy with a bad ticker that likes to ride bikes, dine outside and wear my masks in public...
Newsome lol is trying to prevent his recall . When evidence came out that LA county had a Church with 14,000 weekly attendees sitting side by side for 6 months . With not one case of Covid . He didn't have much choice without otherwise admitting supernatural intervention :)


Really Just last weak Fauci stated in a Press conference that it appears to have peaked. Leveled off . Cases and deaths are decreasing . Mutation doesn't mean stronger . It could or it could mean Benign . They told us it had mutated late July . They said then it could get nasty or they were hoping be benign . THat the later would mean we would see it leveling off then decreasing . Which is exactly what fauci said :
The difference here is you always imply that people like me throw caution to the wind . If you want to live inside and wear a mask everywhere . God Bless Go ahead . But please quit trying to quilt those of us who aren't going to live our short temporary lives here , in fear . Especially over something that is nothing even close to what they told us it would be . How many more months do we need to see they were dead wrong before you admit it .

Our top Health and Human Services Director in Michigan . Appointed by the GOV he served . Just resigned stating the Gov hadn't been following the evidences of Science for some months now . Over lockdowns . That he wasn't going to live knowing her motivations to keep business in lockdown hadn't been founded for quite some time .
Okay live in your crazy little world where you pick out something that wasn't handled perfectly and therefore prove it was all wrong or some grand conspiracy. Yes maybe it has peaked but obviously if everyone acts like it's over it will go up again this has happened over and over and over again. Cases go down for a week or two and everybody says yeah let's go back to normal and then they go back up. Scientists, including Fauci don't know everything , basically that's what science is you continually learn and accept new evidence. I don't expect them to get everything right with a new virus but I would like to err on the side of caution. Especially with vaccines in circulation. It probably has mutated plenty of times we don't even know about. viruses mutate all the time as somebody else said earlier that makes the need to keep infections down and get vaccines done all the more the imperative. It may mutate to become more infectious but less deadly or it may mutate to become more deadly. We don't know that is the point
listen I know you're a religious and that's fine, I would not consider a church an essential service to life. I'm proof to that, you could pray to God from home if you want. I had to explain to you why certain things are considered essential? Like people need their cars to get around to places like grocery stores and pharmacies or the hospital or work? There are plenty of people who are alive right now who aren't even Christian and don't go to church There is nobody alive right now who has never eaten food.....Maybe I'm being pedantic but the virus does not get weaker, in other words if it comes across a human host who doesn't have any buildup immunity it is just as strong and virulent as ever. We get stronger, I guess you could say, or are immune systems get stronger and are capable of defeating it. Listen I realize the Republicans for years, even though they favor the wealthy with their policies, have convinced many working Americans that they're on their side through cultural issues like religion and other things because they know there's not enough wealthy people to get them elected. This was not an attack on the so-called common man that is nonsense. Unfortunately the common man today does seem to work at places like Walmart and they have been kept open, the big corporations have been killing the little guy for decades. pharmacies are allowed to stay open, Mom and Pop pharmacies are allowed as well In my neck of the woods there were almost no mom and pop pharmacies left before this virus hit
Absolutely no offense is meant : But I gotta ask What do you mean by being proof a Church not being essential to life ? You mean because life hasn't caved in on you yet ? What exactly do you mean ? Church isn't essential to life : Jesus is . Serving God takes priority when Govt oversteps . Most countries don't have our freedoms . Some countries Kill You for practicing Christianity . Infact many are starting to. That's what makes it stronger :)
Okay live in your crazy little world where you pick out something that wasn't handled perfectly and therefore prove it was all wrong or some grand conspiracy. Yes maybe it has peaked but obviously if everyone acts like it's over it will go up again this has happened over and over and over again. Cases go down for a week or two and everybody says yeah let's go back to normal and then they go back up. Scientists, including Fauci don't know everything , basically that's what science is you continually learn and accept new evidence. I don't expect them to get everything right with a new virus but I would like to err on the side of caution. Especially with vaccines in circulation. It probably has mutated plenty of times we don't even know about. viruses mutate all the time as somebody else said earlier that makes the need to keep infections down and get vaccines done all the more the imperative. It may mutate to become more infectious but less deadly or it may mutate to become more deadly. We don't know that is the point
whether you admit it or not : Your freedom in America comes from Christian values > Wait and see how it dissolves quickly with the New Admin : Even the EBIKE Classes prove American's have freedoms other countries don't . They are regulated to what is it 15 MPH
Okay live in your crazy little world where you pick out something that wasn't handled perfectly and therefore prove it was all wrong or some grand conspiracy. Yes maybe it has peaked but obviously if everyone acts like it's over it will go up again this has happened over and over and over again. Cases go down for a week or two and everybody says yeah let's go back to normal and then they go back up. Scientists, including Fauci don't know everything , basically that's what science is you continually learn and accept new evidence. I don't expect them to get everything right with a new virus but I would like to err on the side of caution. Especially with vaccines in circulation. It probably has mutated plenty of times we don't even know about. viruses mutate all the time as somebody else said earlier that makes the need to keep infections down and get vaccines done all the more the imperative. It may mutate to become more infectious but less deadly or it may mutate to become more deadly. We don't know that is the point
Using logic on someone caught up in religious fervor is a waste of time.
Okay live in your crazy little world where you pick out something that wasn't handled perfectly and therefore prove it was all wrong or some grand conspiracy. Yes maybe it has peaked but obviously if everyone acts like it's over it will go up again this has happened over and over and over again. Cases go down for a week or two and everybody says yeah let's go back to normal and then they go back up. Scientists, including Fauci don't know everything , basically that's what science is you continually learn and accept new evidence. I don't expect them to get everything right with a new virus but I would like to err on the side of caution. Especially with vaccines in circulation. It probably has mutated plenty of times we don't even know about. viruses mutate all the time as somebody else said earlier that makes the need to keep infections down and get vaccines done all the more the imperative. It may mutate to become more infectious but less deadly or it may mutate to become more deadly. We don't know that is the point
Noooo Most Mutations are benign or they die . That's what mutation means . Damaged : That's why evolutionist claiming mutations prove we evolved . No they don't . Mutations are often cancers . Sounds like you watch to many movies :)
Using logic on someone caught up in religious fervor is a waste of time.
From a guy who thinks mutation means stronger : No it does not . At the very worst it might mean it's deadlift for a difference group . Which is extremely rare . did you not pay attention at all in school ? all the majority of your thinking emits is to insult : Not answer
Newsome lol is trying to prevent his recall . When evidence came out that LA county had a Church with 14,000 weekly attendees sitting side by side for 6 months . With not one case of Covid . He didn't have much choice without otherwise admitting supernatural intervention :)
A series of California's COVID rules and restrictions do seem as related to lobbying and politics as they do to 'the science';

It certainly doesn't help when the State's Health Dept won't release the data supporting these decisions making the decisions seems arbitrary and capricious to those impacted most;
Noooo Most Mutations are benign or they die . That's what mutation means . Damaged : That's why evolutionist claiming mutations prove we evolved . No they don't . Mutations are often cancers . Sounds like you watch to many movies :)
Wrong again, mutations don't mean damaged. There are helpful mutations ( That's how natural selection works) , neutral mutations and harmful mutations. Mutations of cells in the body that cause cancer are examples of harmful mutations and many of them are caused by viruses.
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Absolutely no offense is meant : But I gotta ask What do you mean by being proof a Church not being essential to life ? You mean because life hasn't caved in on you yet ? What exactly do you mean ? Church isn't essential to life : Jesus is . Serving God takes priority when Govt oversteps . Most countries don't have our freedoms . Some countries Kill You for practicing Christianity . Infact many are starting to. That's what makes it stronger :)
First of all saying that my freedom comes from Christian values is just another example of religion co-opting morality and claiming itself is the originator. As somebody smarter than me once said, "without religion good people would be doing good and bad people would be doing bad but to get a good person to do something bad now that takes religion".: What I mean by it not being essential is that on the entire Earth under normal times what percentage of humans go to church weekly? The majority of the Earth isn't even Christian, most self-identified Christians I know don't go to church every week so therefore it is not essential for your day to day survival. I work for a local water authority, water is essential hence I have to go to work. I imagine if you took a poll of all Americans and asked them if they would rather go 3 months without church or 3 months without any water in their house which one do you think they would pick?
whether you admit it or not : Your freedom in America comes from Christian values > Wait and see how it dissolves quickly with the New Admin : Even the EBIKE Classes prove American's have freedoms other countries don't . They are regulated to what is it 15 MPH
So none of those more regulated countries have Christians? It's an American religion? That seems ironic as aren't the ten commandments basically the original regulations? Isn't the Bible full of telling you what you should not do and what you should?
Wrong again, mutations don't mean damaged. There are helpful mutations ( That's how natural selection works) , neutral mutations and harmful mutations. Mutations of cells in the body that cause cancer or examples of harmful mutations and many of them are caused by viruses.
I very much dislike calling people dumb But that comment is . You're listening to much to Dick Dawkins . He's an apologist not a scientist . Can you give me even one example of a useful mutation ?
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