Derestricting Sduro Trekking 9.0


Hello, I have a 2019 Sduro Trekking 9.0 with the Bosch Powerline Speed motor (28 mph). Everything is great and I love the bike, but if I could get rid of the 28 mph limiter I could handle about a 2 mile stretch of road that interferes with my comfort commuting. Does anyone have any experience with this? I’ve been reading about different chips, but it’s awful confusing as to what chips and methods work with which motors.
It is already 28mph, with that mid drive you will not be keeping up higher speeds unless it is downhill.
In order to commute I need to cover about 1.5 miles of 45 mph 2-lane road. 28 mph doesn’t cut it so I don’t commute. Are you saying there’s no way to get pedal assist to say 35 mph with a mid drive motor?
In order to commute I need to cover about 1.5 miles of 45 mph 2-lane road. 28 mph doesn’t cut it so I don’t commute. Are you saying there’s no way to get pedal assist to say 35 mph with a mid drive motor?
It is doable for short bursts and in the top assistance but only if you are physically a strong person. The power demand increases in cube power with the increased speed because of the air drag. Riding in aero position helps, but that's not what you could do with a hybrid e-bike.
In order to commute I need to cover about 1.5 miles of 45 mph 2-lane road. 28 mph doesn’t cut it so I don’t commute. Are you saying there’s no way to get pedal assist to say 35 mph with a mid drive motor?

I don't know how much power you are able to put by yourself but Bosch mid drives only have 250-350W nominal so even when you bypass the speed limiter and on flats for going around 35mph you will need to put 500-600W by yourself.

Bypassing speed limiter does not increase motors power output.
Maybe tomorrow someone who can actually answer the question will post it. Thanks in advance if you can.
Yamaha and Brose sport 520-550 W peak power and I think recent Bosch is not worse. I agree with you in general.

They don't put that power out for prolong periods of time. They are peak ratings.

I don't know about recent 2020 Bosch, but I know that when Grin Technologies tested Bosch 250W mid drive, it was maxing out at over 800W.

Again that is peak power which is available for short bursts.
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Maybe tomorrow someone who can actually answer the question will post it. Thanks in advance if you can.

What exactly is it that you want an answer for ?

You want to get the assist up to 35mph? Yes you can by using any dongle like a badass box.
Will you actually able to keep that speed? No unless you are a very strong rider
I don't know about recent 2020 Bosch, but I know that when Grin Technologies tested Bosch 250W mid drive, it was maxing out at over 800W.
Yes. Provided you input a lot of leg power yourself, and not sure what about motor overheating. I'm afraid the OP needs a monster e-bike, one with a kilowatt motor or more :)

Maybe tomorrow someone who can actually answer the question will post it. Thanks in advance if you can.
The short answer is: Yes you can derestrict a Bosch motor. Makes sense with a 20 mph e-bike. Makes little sense with the 28 mph one. My brother could ride 35 mph on a derestricted Class 1 e-bike (Yamaha PW-X2 motor) but only in a burst (and he is a powerful cyclist himself).
I have the same bike and you can feel the assist start to drop off at 26 mph. With a delimiter I could see holding 30, but a sustained 35 seems like a big ask.

Peartune/Badass box/Speedbox all should work, but you won't find much documentation on it because as already mentioned the risk/reward isn't worth it for most folks for just a couple mph.

Does the street have sidewalks? I have a stretch of 40mph 5 lane road with a cloverleaf entrance and exit that I have to get across and I just take it easy on the sidewalk for that stretch.
BTW, if you do go ahead with tuning the bike please do post your results and experience :)
BTW, if you do go ahead with tuning the bike please do post your results and experience :)

There is already someone who derestricted a bosch speed motor, search for luv2ride.
This only makes sense if that tapering off between 26-28 bothers you too much.

And there are many who own a gen 2 bosch (I myself own 2) and derestricted them.

I am capable of riding at 30mph on flats, it still takes effort though. I have exceeded 35 however that requires a very serious effort unless it is downhill and not sustainable. For long periods, unless you are putting in the effort, even 28mph can be a stretch for these motors.

There is also a big misconception about peak vs nominal values. These motors will peak 600W+ only in bursts, they simply go back to their nomial after a short period of time. Very handy on start stops while climbing, mountain biking but doesn't make a difference in commuting/touring where you need a sustainable support. Bursts really don't mean much for long distance sustained effort(heck according to nyon even I can put 1000W+ myself for bursts).
Hello, I have a 2019 Sduro Trekking 9.0 with the Bosch Powerline Speed motor (28 mph). Everything is great and I love the bike, but if I could get rid of the 28 mph limiter I could handle about a 2 mile stretch of road that interferes with my comfort commuting. Does anyone have any experience with this? I’ve been reading about different chips, but it’s awful confusing as to what chips and methods work with which motors.
If possible to de-restrict the motor the way you want it would likely be dangerous as your e-bike tires and other components are not rated nor tested for beyond 45kph.
The US 9.0 apparently has 18T whereas the EU version is 20T. 18T is good for climbing but is stretching it a bit to get past 28mph. 18T equates to 45T and 20T equates to 50T.

If you dongle you might want to up the gearing to 20 or 22T. If you have steep hills beware of the climb ratio though. The EU 20T version has a 1st gear climb ratio of 1:1.09 which is isn't fabulous for really steep hills. I started to struggle at 22% grade on this bike with 20T. It all depends on how fit you are.
Thank you and to those with info on the speedbox and badass box. I’ll look into those and a new sprocket.
I've done a fair amount of research into speed de-restrictors, including the ones mentioned in the above posts and it seems that on the Bosch gen 4 motors, which powers my ebike, it's not if the dreaded error 504 will show up, but when. Interestingly, the riders who have had the best luck with their installed de-restrictor are the ones who have kept their top speed cut-off set at 35kph.
I would like to put one of these de-restrictors on my ebike, but I think I'll wait until my Bosch motor warranty runs out.