db0 or IF Reach DC: any insight?


New Member
There are 2 folding electrics that I have been considering for over a year, but haven't seen any mention in either the reviews or the community comments. Naturally, that doesn't fill me with confidence that support or spare parts will be easy to come by. Does anybody have information on:
  • IF Reach DC (Pacific Cycles): This bike seems to have a remarkably normal-looking and sturdy frame for an electric folder.
  • db0 (DK city). I contacted the manufacturer, DKcity, about a year ago, and these bikes are still being produced. What little information exists on the Internet generally stops with version “3.2a”, although DKcity tells me that the “3.3” is the latest. It doesn't help that the U.S. distributor, AvaDream, seems to have disappeared.
Pacific Cycle is a leading supplier of cheap bikes for Walmart etc. They aren't the first company who takes cheap bikes and turns them into e-bikes and won't be the last!

Honestly, I'm not trying to be negative, but that second bike looks like the heaviest element of the bike is just a cantilevered afterthought... of course I'm talking about where you're going to be sitting.

Check out "top ten" on this website...
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Pacific Cycle is a leading supplier of cheap bikes for Walmart etc.

Based-on what I have found on the Internet, the 'steaming-piles-of-rolling-Walmart-junk' Pacific Cycle, Inc. and the folding bike maker Pacific Cycles, are completely different companies. That doesn't, necessarily, invalidate your input, but I'm wondering if anybody has any experience with the latter company's products -- IF Reach DC, in particular.