Daly BMS: what am I doing wrong?


Active Member
I've got a handful of 14s Daly BMS's - model R16J-GF12. I got them set up for the most part and through the range of my electronic load's max power draw I have the discharge current showing up relatively accurately - though calibrating working current doesn't really do anything to the CADC Gain. They shipped with 0 CADC Offset but calibrating the Zero Current changes that to either 6 or 7 depending on how the BMS feels... that makes no difference to current readings though.

Biggest issue now is I can never get it to charge at the correct voltage. My power supply should be charging it at a constant current up to a constant voltage but when hooked up and trying to charge it is reading much lower voltage and higher current. I expect to be charging around 56.8V at 2A (power supply set to 58.8V, 56.8V is about current pack voltage) but it winds up running at random voltages - sometimes 14.4V, 14.7V, 17.5V, 24.5V - and then around 4.4A. The BMS shows no charge current or status.

I've done a lot of digging on E-S and DIYSolarForum and some things I've found about the CADC Gain is it is suggested this should be a negative number - mine shipped positive (370). Switching this value to negative just makes it so the BMS doesn't read charge or discharge current... I'm so lost and Daly was initially helpful they have since stopped responding to me. Not to knock them but they were also convinced the PCMaster software would work with my BMS, and while it can read the parameters some of them return incorrectly (as displayed in the Android app & Sinowealth tool) and I cannot set or calibrate anything. Their help resources page clearly states R16J models use Sinowealth software.

Desperate for any suggestions. I couldn't get an answer from Daly about which correct IC Name to choose for the R16J model but both BMS_16 and SH39F005 IC Names read everything successfully and show the same values for all params. I'm going to see if they can send me a firmware update for them as a desperate last measure but I already have a JBD BMS on the way that I suspect is going to just work with no issues... seems like I really went wrong with Daly.

Connections and cell voltages are all good and correct. Brand new cells, top balanced within 0.005V of each other, averaging 4.055V. Same issue with all 5 BMS. XT90S connector, correct voltages reading with electronic load & multimeter, again just wrong charging... WAY wrong.
I should add some screen shots of the Sinowealth V0.2 software... note some of these are out of date but no new settings should be causing the issue described, as I have the same issue on the other 4 BMS's with factor settings. There's no way an XT90S anti-spark connector could be throwing this off, is there? The connector - or no part of the pack of connections gets hot a 4.4A charging as previously described... I balanced the cell groups through the Daly balancing harness at 4.4A and the little 24AWG balance wires just got decently warm is all.

I have a guess that potentially 'Low voltage charging' is not 'charge even when below the low voltage cutoff threshold' but actually... 'charge at a stupidly low voltage' - I know that another parameter 'Balance Open Current' in Charging tab is actually the minimum pack charging current at which to beging balancing and not the balancing current. Some wiser than I have said setting it to 0 will balance without charging and a negative value will balance while discharging.

My only other guess is funky behind the scenes settings not visible to me causing an issue. Any ways, here's those juicy screens... I've also included the machine-translated Chinese language page for AFEReg tab

Which IC Name? I went with BMS_16
I managed to figure it out - the correct chipset to select and so on. Turns out my bench supply is faulty above 51V or so - not at all happy about that... Got a Satiator and she charges up great. Checked LVP and HVP, get about 45-51 miles on a pack down to nominal voltage and thats with some 1200W hammering up a 16-17% grade into my neighborhood at the end of the ride, about 901Wh from 3V per cell to 4.2V per cell. Barely gets warm at 5A charge, sags less than 1V for the whole pack at 36°F and I haven't felt it get warm in my rides yet. Have about 232km happily on it so far, 3 cycles I believe.