Could this be the fate of illegal E-bikes?

I understand the message, but wouldn't auction these things off (out of state) provided needed tax dollars for the city? But I assume they think they have unlimited funds (more taxes).
i agree, that is nuts

why didnt they sell them in a neighboring state where they are legal
what a waste
Reckless driving and lack of registration don't seem to me to be problems created because of these bikes. No message is sent here to those responsible except to go but another $500 junker to ride illegally. They have a real serious traffic problem in NYC, budding a hundred bikes isn't fixing anything. Banning ebikes also compound the problem. They are not making intelligent choices.
Reckless driving and lack of registration don't seem to me to be problems created because of these bikes. No message is sent here to those responsible except to go but another $500 junker to ride illegally. They have a real serious traffic problem in NYC, budding a hundred bikes isn't fixing anything. Banning ebikes also compound the problem. They are not making intelligent choices.
Just to clarify. Not all Ebikes are illegal in NYC, only throttle activated ones. They are grouped with the vehicles in the above article as unregisterable motorized scooters.

These dirt bikes and quads have become a menace to the city, but probably not as bad as the many electric scooters used by delivery workers. They mostly operate unregistered without lights at night. It's a challenge for me to let the general public know that electric bikes can do more than food delivery. I think we're heading in the right direction, but there is still a long way to go.
I've said it in other threads and in other groups that a certain segment of our ebike population is going to ruin it for everyone else. The guys pushing the boundaries of these things are not helping the cause of the electric bicycle and that's obviously compounded further when you have states that start making up laws against them because of it. It's the same way that the people mentioned in the article give people who ride dirt bikes/ATV vehicles a bad name.