Core 5 battery for sale


New Member
Received my Core 5 in late February. If I can find a buyer for my new battery I'd like to increase my travel distance by upgrading to the 14Ah. The new battery has had only 3 charge cycles. If this works as I hope it will, once I have a buyer I'll order the new one. I'd like to look into shipping timeframes to minimize the chance of being without till it arrives. We can discuss that and a fair price. I'm sure it will be cheaper than buying a new replacement Core 5 battery if they're even available. Let me know of any interest and we can communicate privately. Living in upstate NY. (Edited or rather added the following 24 hours later.) I performed a simple battery test today hoping to totally deplete the 10ah. 33 miles of mixed terrain, asphalt, headwinds, PAS 3 primarily though set to PAS 5 when the hills appeared. Still had one bar when I returned.
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