Commuter Log

I don't know yet. I haven't added the new one to the policy yet. I will make that phone call on Tuesday. I am kayak camping starting tomorrow morning until Sunday.

What's the deal with your bike? I missed it. Stolen/wrecked? What kind of insurance? Home owners?

Bike On
Got hit by a car (sideswiped right hand turn), rib injury, bike totalled. Insurance Markel - bicycle specific insurance but the driver's insurance is paying damages so hopefully no deductible for me from Markel.
I believe I missed out reading about your accident. Sad to hear about rib injury and the totaled bike but glad to hear you are well otherwise. I never thought about insurance for the bike, perhaps something we should all consider seriously? Get well soon.
yeah. I wanted to create a separate thread to shield others from the agony or to give them separate thread if they really wanted to read it and to provide their own agony if they needed to unload ;-)
yeah. I wanted to create a separate thread to shield others from the agony or to give them separate thread if they really wanted to read it and to provide their own agony if they needed to unload ;-)

Great to hear, Brambs. I commuted today, 13.3 miles, 17.5 avg mph, 31.2 mph top speed. I have this 16% grade, 300 foot climb at the end that kills my averages. Well, that and my 260lb frame. Was a delight. As usual, most vehicles very respectful - I choose my routes with that in mind. A couple of idiots at the end but c'est la vie. I absolutely love my Turbo. Used 52% battery on the 522 wh pack. I had only used like 30% until that 16% grade!

It sounds like your Turbo moves you well!

I crunched some numbers for your efficiency:
52% of 522 whr = 271.44 whr, for 13.3 mi = 20.4 whr/mi

It would be good to get your numbers before that 16%, 300 ft hill, just to know!
Bike On
Thx Bike_on, I'll check my next commute. Supposed to rain Wed & Thur here so I probably will drive. Looks like another Friday commute!
Paid attention to the battery more when I went for dinner tonight. 4.9 miles each way. On way out I took a flat route. 19 wh/mi. On the way home, I had 315 feet of climb, all at the end. About 23 wh/mi. I weigh 260, pedaled hard the whole time (avg speed including the climb was 19.0 on the second half). Grade on the climb averaged 4.3% if my math is right (315 in 1.4 miles). Gives you an idea of the climb premium extracted from the battery. Combined trip usage would yield right about 25 miles per charge. I could carry the 2nd battery (346 wh) and get another 17. So 42 with the climb, on all flats would be 28+18 = 46. The hill penalty isn't as bad as I thought!
Do any of you feel guilty or awkward when you pass a cyclist?

I hate it when I get stuck behind a cyclist. I feel awkward about passing them, but I also hate having to go slow. I usually try to pass them quickly so I don't have to say/feel anything as I go by. On my morning commute on Wednesday, I saw a Lycra clad, iron calfed, guy about a half mile ahead of me. I caught him pretty quick as we both approach a gradual steady climb and I passed him. I am embarrassed to say that I kept looking in my mirror to make sure that I was leaving him far behind. Then the road leveled a bit and there was a slight downhill, I looked back in my mirror and son of gun, the guy was actually gaining on me. I could tell that he was working pretty hard and I think I pissed him off. I thought to myself, "Oh no! I cannot let this happen!" I started working hard as well and I was starting to gain some distance on him until I hit a red light. "Ah, Dang it! I don't want to see this guy!" I stopped at the light and prepared for the worst. The guy blew right passed me and ran the red light. When the light turned green I headed out and starting gaining on him again. I was getting close to passing him as I approached a short cut that I usually take through a neighborhood. I was very tempted to forgo my usually short cut so that I could pass him again, but I decided that that would be silly. What's up with that Macho pride thing of hating to be passed? I know we both showed it! I guess I can't be too proud I was on an my ebike!
The guy blew right passed me and ran the red light.
Yeah... Us guys can be aggressive and macho like that but don't end up dead. The world needs more cyclists (electric or otherwise) so you should really go aggro on the cars together :p
Vern - I run into the situation of passing bikers all the time, mainly because Cincinnati is becoming more bike-friendly every day. The city has a great bike plan ( ). There is even an interactive map to show preferred, caution, and not recommended routes. I always feel a little guilty passing someone working hard, but probably because I have become such an avid "regular" biker over the past year. I have even shrugged an mentioned I was cheating to a couple of people I have passed in the dedicated bike lanes.
Sometimes I feel like saying, "Don't mind me. I have a motor." as I pass. But I honestly don't feel like I'm cheating. I guess I would "feel" like I was cheating if I was recreational weekend riding or entered in a race. I don't feel like I am cheating while commuting though. I have replaced sitting in my car drinking coffee while listening to the radio with busting my butt, pedaling as hard as I can on my 27 plus mile round trip commute. Like Court says, why should the guy be mad at me. I am honestly happy to see another person on a bike. I just hope they feel the same about me, but they probably don't.
Agree Vern. I don't think they are mad at me, it is mostly a look of astonishment I get because unless they know what to look for it isn't obvious I am on an assisted bike. Usually when I talk to people about the bike, and help them understand it isn't a scooter, they get really interested in the idea.
Usually when I talk to people about the bike, and help them understand it isn't a scooter, they get really interested in the idea.

If I were less in a rush and more friendly by nature, I would do the same. I propose a truce between cyclists and ebikers around the world. Don't hate us because of our electric motors. We are not the enemy. For many of us the ebike replaces a CAR not a bike.

I still have a bike and I love it. I would gladly take my regular bike, but it just takes too long. I think we should work together to get more people out there and out of cars!! ALSO, some of the bike paths in my neighborhood are not very well maintained. There is a long stretch I go on where the road next to me is nice and smooth and my bike path is horribly bumpy. Obviously the city repairs the pot holes and ruts in the street and fails to do so for the bike lane. Part of my commute also has a dedicated bike trail as opposed to a bike lane. It would be GREAT if there were more of those around. It is SO nice to just to ride without worrying about being hit by a car once in a while.
it's not cheating. Using the same flawed logic the guys with sub 19 lb bikes passing recreational bikers on the bike path have bought themselves an advantage too and could be considered cheating too.

it is not a race with rules.