commuter +7s now with Kiox


New Member
About a year ago i bought a brand new Giant anytour e+1 .Within a few months i got several problems, all solved nicely.
But then the motor began to give some problems, the motor support went missing for a few seconds. Unfortunalty this
happend once in a few days. For me the fun was over. I swapped the bike and went for my Trek Commuter +7S.
Men, what a bike. The build quility is so much better. The only downside was the Purion controller. On the giant you
had a cockpit wich was connected to your phone. You could monitor your bike and results. And now i had the Purion.
There is nothing more basic then this. After reading some articles i went for it. I bought a Kiox screen and seperatly
the controllers. This costed me 145euro`s. Now my bike has everything i want. I can save my ride`s and even navigate.
If anyone has any doubt, i say go for it. It took me about three hours to change it.
Nice. I have the Purion on my Allant+ 7s. I would like to upgrade, but don’t know much about how to do it. I’m moderately handy, and usually not afraid to tear something apart. However, I will say tearing apart a $4k bike to do this does have me a little hesitant. Did the Kiox come with some kind of upgrade instructions, or was it 100% DIY and figure it out as you go?
I think its a nice upgrade an easy to install. First a bought a Kiox display, after this i bought the set with the switch and craddle for the Kiox.
First take the battery out then dismantel the steering unit. After this i unscrewed the small plastic panel on the left side of the motor. Behind this small panel you can see the connector from the Purion. From here on you can see the wire and the way it is installed. It runs from the steer into the battery compartment between the frame and the motor . I had two take the two Hex screws out and lower the motor to give the wire some space between frame and the motor. Needles to say be carefull, and dont do it if you have any doubts.