Chinese 24v 280watt motor

You might want to look at where you bought the throttle ( uk ?) They usually show the wire diagram in the ad copy. Like this one.

If you had this one ....Black, Red, and White go to throttle connector Yellow and brown would go to that lock connector and Green goes to the + battery wire. But you don't have this one.

Black: Negative
Green: Positive
Red: +5V
White: Signal
Yellow and Brown: Switc
I found the link to the wiring.

Cable length 150CM
Battery LED indicator : 3 levers
Switch Button
Wiring :
Red cable : +5V of throttle
Black cable : - negative of throttle
White cable : signal of throttle
Green cable : battery voltage indicator
Yellow cable : + positive of switch
Brown cable : - negative of switch
I don't understand why I need six wires on my basic set up. I found some similar throttles with just three wires, would I be better buying one of those? Or can I disregard some wires? Also, is there a simpler way of connecting to batteries without the complexity of the multirude of chinese wires on the controller thing? Really appreciate your help, and I have comes so far I hate to quit this plan.
You bought the throttle. If you had bought it with the controller, the connector would match. A three wire throttle doesn't have the battery gauge or switch.

Does that Yi-Yun diagram above matches your present controller? Then, the red, black, and white go to the three pin throttle connector. Red-red, black-black, and white to ever is left. Hook that up first. Leave the other wires alone. Then jump the pins on the connector marked electric door lock. Connect power and motor. If it runs, then you can wire in the rest of the throttle wires,

What does the scooter look like?
With respect, I think we're talking cross purposes here. It's not a scooter but a bike I am trying to convert. I wanted to leave the shimano gears on it so the throttle was the only one I could find that would enable me to retain the handlebar shimano gear shifts. The numbers on the two controllers I attempted to wire are LB27 and they seem very similar, you kindly sent a wiring diagram but I need to know which ones to connect to the the six wires from the thumb throttle and which to ignore. I tried various combinations before with both controllers but got no response which is why I bought the potentiometer as it seemed like the only option.
With respect, I think we're talking cross purposes here. It's not a scooter but a bike I am trying to convert. I wanted to leave the shimano gears on it so the throttle was the only one I could find that would enable me to retain the handlebar shimano gear shifts. The numbers on the two controllers I attempted to wire are LB27 and they seem very similar, you kindly sent a wiring diagram but I need to know which ones to connect to the the six wires from the thumb throttle and which to ignore. I tried various combinations before with both controllers but got no response which is why I bought the potentiometer as it seemed like the only option.
I think I must have broken the pot. thing like you suggested.