china trade deal dead ? Permanent tariffs ?

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I believe it's all politics, but business experts whose opinions I trust, say we are making way past due progress on a sore spot issue that's been around for quite a while. That in mind, I suffer quietly, without complaint. Hopefully egos will be massaged, an agreement made, and everyone lives happily ever after.

And yes, when it comes to politics, I PREFER to remain a little naive.

I do not condemn people for their opinions. To each their own and all but I am curious just so I can read it. Which experts are these?
I did mention I'm a bit naive, but I am smart enough to know better than to answer that question.
Actually, this has been going on since the trade war started.

And moving production from China to Nam is just as damaging to China as a move it to the US.

All the little countries waiting to grab China's business are helping us . . . as well as themselves.
Trump the deal maker will make it happen? Like he did with N. Korea? LOL that was a sweetheart deal there eh? Oh wait, there was no deal :) Trump proudly calls himself "tariff man" and claims "state coffers are filling up" because of his tariffs.. Really? I thought the tariff money went to the general fund of the federal gov't. In any case, he makes it sound as if we as a country are getting rich from his tariffs when in reality it's american consumers that are getting poor.
Trump has a LOT of leverage right now, with US economy sizzling along, super low unemployment (lowest on record for many minority groups too) and a FED that has paused raising rates. China can't say the same for their economy, and it's stock market has been in the tank going on for more than 3 years since it peaked in 2015, and before that much higher peak in 2008 (down 50% since). Their market has bounced since early this year (on optimism they were going to get a deal done), but that will likely now turn tail.

Weren't you the one that predicted that the ebike tariffs won't happen?? "My prediction: 25% tariffs won't happen on ebikes."
and after they DID happen that they could go away by the spring?? "Tariffs could come back down before spring"

So clearly your track record on predicting anything right sucks. Just like this lying corrupt conman nut case of a potus who has been a lying liar and a LOSER making deals. He should rename his book of "Art of the deal" to "Art of a LOSER". It would be far more correct. And you haven't seen the US stock market crash yet... but it's coming. Just as trump was a loser in business full of debt and losing billions, so will the US economy with his tax scam for the super rich which skyrocketed the deficit during a time of a growing economy he inherited, and that suddenly nobody is buying to finance it. Mark my words... a U.S. stock market crash is coming...

Kudlow acknowledges US will pay for China tariffs, contradicting Trump

Trump Trade War Just Raised Taxes On Consumers By Tens Of Billions of Dollars
The president keeps falsely claiming that China is paying his higher tariffs, but economists point out that Americans, not China, pay those costs.
05/10/2019 04:04 pm ET

The Bond Market Just Sent a Disturbing Message
Robert Burgess
Bloomberg•May 8, 2019
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Folks is it possible to have at least one site without politics involved? It's gotten to the point that I don't even want to watch news anymore, because it has devolved into a bunch of people screaming at each other. I'd love to see this site remain as a site for talk about ebikes, snd not be a site where people argue politics. Here's a hint - regardless of where you stand politically you're not going to convince anyone to see your point of view by insults and screams.
Weren't you the one that predicted that the ebike tariffs won't happen?? "My prediction: 25% tariffs won't happen on ebikes."
and after they DID happen that they could go away by the spring?? "Tariffs could come back down before spring"

So clearly your track record on predicting anything right sucks. Just like this lying corrupt conman nut case of a potus who has been a lying liar and a LOSER making deals. He should rename his book of "Art of the deal" to "Art of a LOSER". It would be far more correct. And you haven't seen the US stock market crash yet... but it's coming. Just as trump was a loser in business full of debt and losing billions, so will the US economy with his tax scam for the super rich which skyrocketed the deficit during a time of a growing economy he inherited, and that suddenly nobody is buying to finance it. Mark my words... a U.S. stock market crash is coming...

Kudlow acknowledges US will pay for China tariffs, contradicting Trump

Trump Trade War Just Raised Taxes On Consumers By Tens Of Billions of Dollars
The president keeps falsely claiming that China is paying his higher tariffs, but economists point out that Americans, not China, pay those costs.
05/10/2019 04:04 pm ET

The Bond Market Just Sent a Disturbing Message
Robert Burgess
Bloomberg•May 8, 2019
Other than to rant about me at 3:20 am in the morning, and rage about everything else- what's your point ?
Other than to rant about me at 3:20 am in the morning, and rage about everything else- what's your point ?
More importantly, prices have NOT gone up at all on most ebike brands, and my point was for everyone to 'chill' and not worry about the tariffs and keep buying ebikes. Same thing in the second message you cherry picked. Only a few brands have actually raised prices, and none have been anywhere close to 25% at the retail level. (What's scarier to me is how much time you wasted tracking down those prior posts, as that was long ago. Its akin to stalking someone. )
More importantly, prices have NOT gone up at all on most ebike brands, and my point was for everyone to 'chill' and not worry about the tariffs and keep buying ebikes. Same thing in the second message you cherry picked. Only a few brands have actually raised prices, and none have been anywhere close to 25% at the retail level. (What's scarier to me is how much time you wasted tracking down those prior posts, as that was long ago. Its akin to stalking someone. )
Since I already knew of the falsehoods you said before hand, I just searched only on your ID for the word "tariffs". They were all right there on the first screen of the results. Time wasted all of 10 seconds. Sheesh... And 3:20am is YOUR time/timezone, not mine (I'm not in AZ). So you were WRONG yet again on both counts.... but no surprise there... it's like hearing lying idiot clueless conman trump saying that china is paying for those tariffs... and believing
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