Charging Connector for Aventure?

Not charging the batteries correctly can be very dangerous to both the batteries and your physical health, so Aventure has the right to guard that this process is safe. Aventure will sell you a replacement charger if yours breaks. I think it's like $60, which is hundreds cheaper than the Cycle Satiator. You could get five of these chargers for the price of one Cycle Satiator. With these cheaper chargers, you can't set a charge level less that 100%, but the Aventure LED does turn from green to blue at around the 85% to 90% level, so if you watch the LED and unplug the charger as soon as it turns blue, you will be in good shape.
They DO NOT have replacements for sale . And WILL NOT until “possibly late July”
So, I cut off the connector from an existing charger and spliced it on the Cycle Satiator. So that part is not the problem. The original charger uses three wires, positive, negative and handshake. The Cycle Satiator can be forced to start, but the bike battery can not. It needs the proper handshake to start. Tried connecting it to positive or negative with no luck. So it's a bit more complex, and will take more investigation which I haven't done. The Cycle Satiator doesn't support something like that, so you would need to build something to fake out the bike. I'm not sure it's worth it.
It’s not- this is a very sketchy service culture- they are clueless -
OK No luck. Let me explain in case someone else wants to try. So the Aventure charger has three terminals, positive, negative, and a sense line. I was hopping it was easy to debug, but no luck. Unfortunately this is a trend I've seen, making the charger paired to the battery.

So if you attach the sense line to the negative terminal, then you can measure the 54V charge voltage on the + and - but ONLY if you plug the charger in the wall FIRST, THEN ground the sense wire. If you ground the sense wire first, THEN plug it in to 120V, then NO charge voltage.

OK I thought, maybe the sense pin in the battery is grounded so when you plug the charger connector in, it then starts.

So In spliced the Aventure connector to the Cycle Satiator. Plugged it in and no cigar. The Cycle Satiator has to "see" battery voltage or it won't start. There are two reasons why that might be. First, maybe Aventon has a diode in the battery so the charger can't see the battery voltage. Second, maybe something else with that sense line turns on the battery. I don't know. I could figure it out if I spent more time, but didn't. So now it looks like the Aventure charger or nothing. One good thing, it looks like the battery light turns blue when the battery is around 90%, so if you unplug it then, it will last longer, but you must watch it constantly, so not very practical.
Freaking proprietary bulls—-t - I’m so fed up with Aventon - they just lost 35,000 contract - I will not give them a fourth chance - the do not speak the truth and they are blowing it and I’m not putting my customers through this “madness”
Sorry you Sean to be dealing with the same nonsense / i will keep you posted on a solution
Dave 111
I kind'of read through the thread, but got lost somewhere along the way. Is all this "madness" I'm reading about how the stock Aventon battery charger can only be used to charge the battery - no other charger can charge it? If that's the case, I don't understand where the issue is - just buy another charger from Aventon for $60 when it comes back in stock.
Aventon isn't the first "manufacturer" of a piece of electronic equipment to use a proprietary smart charger!
just buy another charger from Aventon for $60 when it comes back in stock.
First off it's not "when", it's "IF". A BIG FREAKING IF! Particularly given how they drop the ball on damned near everything related to parts and service.

As evidenced by their only listing one charger, and the pictures showing a standard two wire barrel connector.

And honestly charging a bank of 18650's is not some giant magical rocket science that requires a proprietary connector, proprietary communication on a third wire, or any other such BS.

Especially since 18650's can handle a higher amperage charging, which I suspect is why so many are looking for an aftermarket answer. Be great if we could dump 5 or 6 amps in there instead of the piddly 2.5 of the stock charger.

Makes me wonder if they even bothered using protected cells.
The connector is not a "proprietary" one. Do you have to be resourceful to get one, of course, but like most medical grade and automobile harness connectors it's going to take a little work to find unless you're in the industry. For example, here's a source of the connector, made by Higo.
Just ordered a charger for aventure - aventons website did not notify me via text, email, or push. I have been checking daily and got lucky or they realesed some to stop the negative press. I had emailed support and was told on 6/15/2022 that they did not know when the aventure chargers were coming in....
The pictures on the website show 2 different chargers. The charger that came with my Aventure does not have ventilation slits in the case like some of the pictures. I was planning on removing the power supply from the case and inserting into a better case with airflow and a fan... I wonder if they've changed to different unit?
The pictures on the website show 2 different chargers. The charger that came with my Aventure does not have ventilation slits in the case like some of the pictures.
I think those are just generic stock photos. See how every single one of them has a simple every day barrel jack on them instead of the goofball connector?

Which of course is why we end up paying $60/pop for a cheap $10 Chinese charger.
As to moving it to another unit for better cooling, don't be surprised if it's epoxy potted inside... I've not popped mine apart since it's glued and I don't want to screw up the plastic... yet, but from the way it feels in terms of weight distribution, it reminds me of an old Commodore 64 brick where instead of giving airflow or actual cooling, they literally just filled it to the brim with epoxy. Of course claiming that makes it "safer" since it's "tamper proof". Cooling be damned like it was an Apple product.

The old joke? Apple wouldn't know proper cooling if it stripped naked, painted itself Noctua tan, and hopped up on a table to sing "Oh look at what a giant cooling fan I am!

I'm HOPING that's not the case, but just from how the one I have feels?

Side note, I get a laugh that after months of watching and waiting, and waiting for a mail notification, having signed up multiple times, checking the site once a month, and even checking the site the day before I said "If they get them" here... and boom the next day they're in stock.

That's Aventon all-over.
The connector is not a "proprietary" one. Do you have to be resourceful to get one, of course, but like most medical grade and automobile harness connectors it's going to take a little work to find unless you're in the industry. For example, here's a source of the connector, made by Higo.
Rare, esoteric, and hard for consumers to buy is pretty much proprietary, especially when it seems nobody else in the e-bike industry is using that connector, no third parties provide them on chargers, etc, etc.

Much less the total BS of it where 99% of their competitors can get away with a commonplace 50 cent barrel jack or RCA connector. Again, we're charging ordinary everyday 18650's, here, you don't need a three wire setup for that. You need amps and a voltage cutoff where the battery acts as the pull-down.
As I said in post #14, that will not work, but if you want to waste your time on a wild goose chase, be my guest.
Your post mentions Cycle Satiator charger, not the HiGo connectors. Not sure where your attitude is coming from. This forum was for identifying the charger connector for the Aventure. The connector used on the Aventon Aventure charger is a HiGo push-on. If the Cycle Satiator has additional requirements then its not the "right" charger. Once the "right" charger has been identified, use the HiGo connector to make it work with the Aventure battery.
I guess I should phrase it differently. So why do you need a connector because Aventon's charger comes with one. Other chargers will not work with this bike, unless you tear out the BMS and install your own. Its likely Aventon designed it this way so they aren't sued when you use another charger and the battery explodes. The unfortunate part is their charger doesn't have 80% or 90% settings, which is becoming the norm.
I guess I should phrase it differently. So why do you need a connector because Aventon's charger comes with one. Other chargers will not work with this bike, unless you tear out the BMS and install your own. Its likely Aventon designed it this way so they aren't sued when you use another charger and the battery explodes. The unfortunate part is their charger doesn't have 80% or 90% settings, which is becoming the norm.
Use a timer and a multimeter. A few hours of timing charger level timing and you’re on your way to better charging practices.

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Wow, that would be lots of work, and it assumes your battery is always at the same starting state.
No, it's not. I had dozens of customers over 7 years that sorted it. It's simply a matter of keeping some simple records. East peasy to come within a few percentage points. But if math is elusive...;)
With the BMS being part of the battery, the charger is only supplying the proper input volts, correct? So any charger with the correct output rating, with a comms wire should work when using the a HiGo connector.