Changing Wheel Size on my Trek Powerfly7 E-MTB...Opinions ?

John from Connecticut

Well-Known Member
I ride a 2017 Trek Powerfly7 E-MTB, Rail Trails and limited roads. No single track period.
I love this bike ! I'm seriously considering changing out the stock 29" rims for 26" rims
and I'm looking for your thoughts and or suggestions. My goal is to get the bike closer
to the ground. The back story...

I'm 75 years old, in good health. I have no bike control, handling issues riding at 'speed'
The 29" tires and rims are like gyros, riding on a rail, very stable.

I am experiencing is an increased sense of very low speed or near stopped instability,
thus the two recent near, stopped tipped over in four months. Think Roadies coming
to a stop with clips, but not releasing fast enough. I don't use clips.

A significant contributor to my issue is my aging body, tightening muscles, and not
being able to react fast enough, combined with the Trek PF7 with 29" tires. It is a big bike.

I realize I'll be giving up some of the top end gyro like stability, to go to 26" rims, but I can't risk
another tip over. If I wasn't wearing a helmet when I went over, I'd have been in the
hospital with concussions. My goal is to get the bike closer to the ground.

My helmet has marks to prove it : )

I ride a 2017 Trek Powerfly7 E-MTB, Rail Trails and limited roads. No single track period.
I love this bike ! I'm seriously considering changing out the stock 29" rims for 26" rims
and I'm looking for your thoughts and or suggestions. My goal is to get the bike closer
to the ground. The back story...

I'm 75 years old, in good health. I have no bike control, handling issues riding at 'speed'
The 29" tires and rims are like gyros, riding on a rail, very stable.

I am experiencing is an increased sense of very low speed or near stopped instability,
thus the two recent near, stopped tipped over in four months. Think Roadies coming
to a stop with clips, but not releasing fast enough. I don't use clips.

A significant contributor to my issue is my aging body, tightening muscles, and not
being able to react fast enough, combined with the Trek PF7 with 29" tires. It is a big bike.

I realize I'll be giving up some of the top end gyro like stability, to go to 26" rims, but I can't risk
another tip over. If I wasn't wearing a helmet when I went over, I'd have been in the
hospital with concussions. My goal is to get the bike closer to the ground.

My helmet has marks to prove it : )

29ers actually have 700c rims but with higher tires. Both are Etrto 622. You may be able to install slimmer tires to bring down the bike to 26.5 without changing the rims. Ask your local bike shop if you are not sure.