Changing Seats to be Nice to my ole azz.......or what's left of it....


I bought a nice Wide Padded Seat that really LOOKS Comfortable, for my 700 series, and need to know what size post
to buy to fit it and my 700.
The seat I took off has some 'funny looking' top on it, with a curve, so I don't want to, and probably can't, use that one.
I'll just put it in the HUGE box of 'Stuff that I took off and changed that I don't think I'll need, but Yet, I Might'.
The sleeve (r Female part)? on the New seat looks to be a bit shy of 1 Inch (but I'm sure it will expand) where the Post
and the 'Female" part that fits the seat post ON THE BIKE (NO NOT THE OTHER 299+- GENDERS, A FEMALE, HAR HAR)
is a bit Over 1 Inch also, of course.
I would like to hear from an 'Egicated Bike Guy' if you would look on Amazon for this?
I would be Much Obliged,