Chameleon solar back box installation


i just got the back box that was supposed to come with the scooter, over a year late. Has anyone installed one of these at home? Two issues...both nine pin connectors are female, and it looks like i need to cut a hole in the scooter to run the wire bundle I missing something obvious? The red bundle on left is from the box, and the multicolored bundle is from the scooter.
Two guesses, and they are just that, since I'm not familiar with this make:
1. The two female connectors are to be plugged into a double-male connector, sometimes called a 'bulkhead' connector that is mounted to a frame or punched hole in a box.
2. Since there was a one year difference in production between the items, a design change occurred in the wiring harness.
Thank you! Questions have been sent off...i will update later, in case any one else comes across this problem. Aug. 4th: Daymak is sending an adaptor.
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