CCS owners, what power level do you use most of the time?

What power level do you use the most?

  • Eco

    Votes: 5 27.8%
  • 1

    Votes: 8 44.4%
  • 2

    Votes: 1 5.6%
  • 3

    Votes: 1 5.6%
  • S

    Votes: 3 16.7%

  • Total voters

Captain Slow

Well-Known Member
I now have over 700 km's on the bike and have some familiarity with it now.

I have settled into using 1 most of the time. I'd guess I use 1 about 60% of the time, Eco about 10% of the time, 2 about 20% of the time, and the remaining 10% either 3, S or the throttle.

I think if the CCS was available with say a 400 watt motor and it were proportionately lighter that would be appealing to me.
I use 1 most of the time for commuting and errands. Without a headwind, I can maintain 18-22 mph easily in 8th or 9th gear, without burning through a lot of battery. This is significant for maintaining full-power response throughout the whole trip; distance is secondary (but not unimportant.)

When I'm on a busy road that I want to get off quickly, I punch it up to 2 or sometimes 3. When riding into a heavy headwind, 2 and 3 get more use also. I rarely use S. Sometimes just for fun, to feel that awesome surge!

The throttle-assist boost is great for peeling away from a stop or getting across a busy street.
I bike for either of two reasons: exercise or to get somewhere relatively fast.

So zero or Eco for exercise and S for getting to a destination.
I am using the CCS as a commuter vehicle and need to get to work by a certain time ... so i don't want to be late and sweaty... so I ride S..... and average 22-26 mph (minus start and stops at signs and lights).

gets me to and from work in about 40 min. On the way home i ususally pedal harder and sometimes turn it down..but I want to see the kidos before they goto bed.

I'm in S most of the time on my original 350w CC so as make my 32~ mile roundtrip commute as short as possible. On a good calm day that means under 50 minutes on a 50/50 city/suburban route. I'm on my 2nd battery a 12.8 (replacing the old 10.4) & i think I've already worn it down as the assist on S putters around the 15mile mark. Gonna have to seriously consider a 3rd higher capacity battery this year...

I really wish I could upgrade my original CC to the more power CCS without buying a new bike since headwinds can make maintaining above 22 mph a struggle.
I'm in S most of the time on my original 350w CC so as make my 32~ mile roundtrip commute as short as possible. On a good calm day that means under 50 minutes on a 50/50 city/suburban route. I'm on my 2nd battery a 12.8 (replacing the old 10.4) & i think I've already worn it down as the assist on S putters around the 15mile mark. Gonna have to seriously consider a 3rd higher capacity battery this year...

I really wish I could upgrade my original CC to the more power CCS without buying a new bike since headwinds can make maintaining above 22 mph a struggle.
Wow, you're already having to consider a 3rd battery? How long have your batteries lasted in terms of time, charge cycles, and mileage? I've already found that I regret getting the stock 12.8 ah battery and should have ordered the 17.4.

I'm 3 months in and using my bike to commute roughly 22 miles round trip about 4 times a week on average. Wondering how long my original battery will last.
I'd say about a year, but my usage would probably be considered usually heavy. I recharge to full 10 times a week to ensure I have enough juice especially for the winter season. 17.4 was what I was hoping to get for the 2nd battery but it was out of stock at the time. With that I could get away with partial charges.
Riding in cold wet weather I use eco 60% of the time, the chill factor gets pretty uncomfortable past 14 mph. Otherwise.
1 on warmers days, 2 or 3 to get a run at a hill. Now & then I'll hit S to show off riding past teenage girls. (Hey, I'm old,
but I kin still look....& remember.)
I ride in 1 almost constantly. Maintaining 20-22 is easy and at least when the battery is well charged, getting up to that speed doesn't feel sluggish at all. And that's the reason I ride in 1.... when the battery gets too depleted everything gets sluggish no matter what boost level you're at, so riding in 1 helps me stay above that threshold more often.
I use power assist level 3 most of the time. Going uphill I need the assist. Going downhill I like to go fast. There is very little flat where I live. I use ECO on the bike path to save energy and keep my speed down. I ride for exercise.
I ride mostly in level 2 on my 14 miles roundtrip commute. I occasionally switch to 3 on longer hills for an additional boost. I'd like to get a basic workout and not feel wiped at the end of the week at the same time. Level 2 works best for me. The GPS tracker shows typically a average speed of 19-20 mph with top speed hitting around 31mph. Battery consumption with that type of riding is approx. 18 Wh/mile.
I am all over the map on this. I use eco and 1 when riding on the paths, in the park and in town when I am not out on the road (parking lots). 1 and 2 when I am not in a hurry, on not-so-windy days when I just want to enjoy the ride. 2 and 3 when it is windy, hilly or both. 3 and S when I am in a hurry and it is windy, hilly, or I'm out on the "big roads" and avoiding traffic. Often I use the higher settings where it is safe to do so, just so that I have time to slow down and enjoy the ride in eco mode during other parts of my ride. I love the little toggle switch on Reid's bike (it allows him to ride with the motor off, but the computer on), if I get really brave someday I might install one on my bike, I am sure that I would use it quite a bit.
I am generally here for the work out... so eco mode. I think if I was on smooth road and could open up I would step it up to 1 or 2. I find the neigboorhoods around here are a little too bumpy to take on at 20+ mph.
I went through a phase for about a month where I used 2 and 3 a lot and S more than I had been. It was fun and educational to familiarize myself with this area of performance. The last few days I've enjoyed slowing back to 15-20 mph which I can do in Eco or 1. I can look around and dig the scenery instead of focusing so intensely on the road coming at me at a higher rate of speed. I'm rarely in a huge hurry.