Budget helmet?

The helmet is as valuable as the thing it is to protect (the brains) :)

Walmart has some for $20. I had a cheap Bell helmet from WM for use with my regular bike, but with the increase in speed from the ebike I spent the money for a tested, highly rated helmet. Still, it was only about $50 IIRC.
When I bought my first motorcycle, I didn't have much money left over. I asked the store owner for the cheapest helmet he had. He said "Kid, if you've got a $2 head, I'll sell you a $2 helmet". That was over 50 years ago and I never forgot it. I don't ride motorcycles anymore but I use an expensive MIPS helmet when riding my e-bike.

That being said, a cheap helmet is better than nothing.
When I bought my first motorcycle, I didn't have much money left over.
Remember the J.C. Whitney catalog? Warshawsky's was what would be today their Brick and Mortar store on State Street in Chicago, in a gritty neighborhood a few miles south of the fancy shopping., On a Saturday morning, take a number and wait behind four dozen others in line to approach the counter to order a part number You could get almost any part that Detrot ever made, including their steering wheel spinner, guaranteed to break a wrist,

I bought a $19 helmet, Snell approved in 1966.

On a budget...

and pumpkin skins

work well.

Great for mid ride snacking too
I've bought CPSC approved helmet at Salvation Army resale for $1. Government gives them away to kids. Solid green, no dinosaur crest as kids crave. I washed it out with 409/Fantastik/SpicnSpan and a paper towel, in case the kid had lice. Worn on 3 mph rides to the grocery+bank+dollarstore 3 blocks away. Now relegated to protecting head from toe touches in the house. Ever notice how many old men go in the nursing home right after a fall? Several of my friends. Nancy Pelosi and Mitch McConnell fell this week. A broken limb will heal, but not a bleeding brain.
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Remember the J.C. Whitney catalog?
I bought a $19 helmet, Snell approved in 1966.
I bought my first helmet with my first motorcycle. The law required it, and I couldn't shop elsewhere without riding. It was so tight that I saw double, but at least I was safe!

For 8 years I rode with RAF goggles like those below that had laminated, tempered glass. I could see well in all conditions. When the strap wore out, I replaced it with inner tube rubber. On a deserted towpath one day, I parked and walked a few steps to view the river bank. During the two minutes I was gone, someone came out of hiding, unsnapped the helmet loop that held the band of my beat-up goggles, and stole the goggles. This was confusing. One would assume that the culprit was a thief, but what thief is discerning enough to want an item like that?

I needed to replace them. After a couple of years I spotted some in the Whitney catalog: laminated, tempered glass. A minor bump shattered one of the lenses into sharp shards like a jelly jar. It was illegal to sell goggles as motorcycle goggles if they did not meet DOT standards, but they got a free pass because Ronald Reagan was in office. It was still mail fraud. The postal inspector reported that the manufacturer was a J C Whitney subsidiary in the building next door, and it was the Regan Administration's policy not to prosecute.

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Generally bike helmets all adhere to the same safety standard. So a cheapie from Walmart is just as "safe" as an expensive helmet from the bike shop. There are some additional things that nicer helmets incorporate (like MIPS on mountainbike helmets over the past 10 years) but mainly nicer helmets get you a better fit, lighter weight and more effective ventilation. I would recommend purchasing from a reputable vendor to try and avoid counterfeit helmets though. I wouldn't purchase from ebay and probably would be wary of Amazon. I like trying helmets on so generally buy from my local shop. Walmart has adult helmets in the ~$20 range and MIPS helmets in the ~$35 range.

The weak spot in bike helmets as it pertains to ebikes is that many ebikes straddle the line between bike and moto, and bike helmets are just not designed for moto type speeds. If you're worried about safety and have a faster throttle bike you may want to look into full face mountainbike helmets or something in the light-moto category.

Also worth noting that the impact absorbing foam in helmets breaks down over time, and you should replace helmets every 5 years or so.
Just look for CPSC certification. Many are budget-friendly.
European helmets may not pass US standards.
I worry about stuff squirrels drop on my head, not on a trail. In summer, when they have foliage for camouflage, I don't step out the door without my helmet.
Va Tech tested 253 helmets and gave 151 (60%) five stars. Low points were better, and the category ran from 8.40 to 14.00. No MET did as well as the $50 Specialized Align II at 9.55. At 13.97, the MET Trenta barely made the cutoff and cost $380.

The next category, four stars, amounts to 25% of those tested, extending to 19.00 points. It includes the $18 Schwinn Intercept at 16.85 and the $10 Zefal Light Up at 17.73.

The CDC says sustained, long-term helmet use can mean 20-55% fewer head injuries. I haven't heard of even one cyclist suffering a head injury while wearing a turban.
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